six» babe

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cal: i'll leave you alone, i just hope you're okay.
cal: please answer when you can so i know you're still alive. if u hate me then just please answer and tell me you are okay.

*missed call from cal*


cal: it's been a week cass. now i am terrified.


@calum5sos: hi beautiful (:  


you: cal im so sorry.
you: im okay (:


you: some family stuff, nothing horrible.

cal: if you were off your phone for a week im pretty sure its bad.

you: i know, it's just personal.
you: lmao you should feel special i legit went back on my phone only to text you.

cal: i do :-)

you: i feel really bad cal.

cal: don't! i'm just glad you're okay.

you: i see you called me ,':-)

cal: yeaaa sorry for being annoying.

you: it's okay, it actually kinda means a lot you care so much.

cal: ofc babe

you: i'm gonna shut my phone off again for another day, just know i'm okay (:

babe: thank you


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