two» kinky

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calum: im backkk

you: ayee
you: did you ever find that michael kids number.

calum: yeah, he gave me the wrong one on purpose, he's a little fuck face.

you: well i mean, kinda glad he did. i like friends.

calum: who said we were friends?

you: me bitch.

calum: sassy cassy.

you: what country do you live in? im not creepy either just saying.

calum: i kinda just move around all the time, but rn UK hbu?

you: America. arent i lucky.

calum: that was sarcasm right? cause if so america is actually pretty cool.

you: i hate it here. all the cool things are old too me. i really want to go to paris. that place is so cliché but so beautiful.

calum: it's really pretty there omfg.
calum: im not helping am i..

you: it makes conversation. lmao

calum: let's play 20 questions.

you: fuckboy.
you: jk
you: kinda.

calum: what's your favorite hobbies.

you: sleeping which is really sad but like really true.
you: also i play a little bit of basketball, and also photography which is what i'm in college for.

calum: wait really?

you: yeah, it was one of the only things that seemed to be interesting and have no talent which i don't own.

calum: good for you. i'm a drop out lol

you: i tried that. but all i got was an hour lecture as to why i was a complete idiot and would grow up with no money and all that great stuff.

calum: anyways
calum: favorite song?

you: hmmm
you: couldn't tell you honestly. either tear in my heart or jet black heart.

calum: fake fan.

you: honestly it sounds like it but i just like them for some reason.

calum: i kid, i kid

you: ewww you sound like my dad.

calum: good.

you: kinky.


you: honestly i just need food rn but like it's so far.

calum: so u like 5sos😏

you: nah actually hate them. they're losers.

calum: the calum guy is kinda hot tho

you: i swear you're him lmao im calling you mini calum

mini calum: what's so mini about me ;)


mini calum: but i like talking to you ):

you: well ur horrible

mini calum: tru

you: is ur name really calum or was that a joke cause like

mini calum: no it really is.

you: i'm calling you calvin

mini calum: stOp

you: i feel as if you're secretly like calum hood marry me.

mini calum: deal

you: lamo

mini calum: i gotta go to bed. night beautiful.

you: you've never seen me loser

mini calum: beauties in the inside dork

you: wow. good for you.

mini calum: ?

you: everyone judges looks and it's sweet that you don't care about that stuff.

mini calum: i guess i never really thought about it. it's past by bed time ;)

you: you boss.

mini calum: i know one time i bought a pg-13 movie and i was twelve1!!1

you: goodnight mini calum

mini calum: goodnight sassy cassy. _________

another shitty chapter.

let me know if this is a good story plot or not. there is gonna be a lot of drama. js


unknown number // calum hood Where stories live. Discover now