eighteen. - The end.

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This might be shorter. Just think of it as an epilogue.

Alices pov

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm shocks me awake.

I lay in bed wishing I could glue myself to it. I never thought I could grow so much in as little as a few days.

And I feel something here.

I don't want to leave.

I don't want to move.

I don't want to breathe.

I fling my covers off and find my way to the bathroom. The suit cases sitting ready in the hallway make me sick to my stomach.

I glance at myself it the mirror. All I can see is my swollen dark eyes, looking as if they're endless pits to the most bland part of my brain.

Mom smiles at me as she walks into the bathroom.

"Good morning!"

I have no trouble pulling a fake smile on my face. I've had practice.

"Sweetie are you ok? I know you think I don't notice but I do."

"Mom, I don't want to leave." I squeek out.

"Oh, sweetie." She pulls me into the biggest hug.

"I know how hard it is. You'll get through it."

A tear streaks down my face and I watch the dark spot form on her sweater.

"It's 7:00 dear, we better get the show on the road." She let's go and kisses my forehead.

I run into the room and change into some sweat pants and a white tee.

I'm glad we're flying back. I can't do the hole road trip thing again.

"Come on dear! We're going to be late!" I grab the rest of my stuff and run to the front door.

As we make out way down to the lobby I begin to feel woozy.

Almost that feeling when your standing in front of a crowd and you don't know what to do.

We get to the taxi and it takes a total of about 30 minutes to get to the airport.

I grab my bags and me and mom find our way to the front doors.

"Mom, I'm staying here. I have to wait on Josh." I smile weakly not knowing what else to say.

"Ok, I'll wait with you then."

Five minutes pass.

I find mom staring at the ceiling.

Ten minutes pass.

Mom finds a seat on the floor.

Fifteen minutes pass.

"Flight 117 has been moved up due to a missed schedule. If you are flight 117 please make your way to loading. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Mom, what flight are we on?"
She looks up from the ground.

"117. Why?"

My heart drops to my stomach as the shock sets in.

"We have to go. Flight moved up." I say, only short phrases come from my mouth.

"Oh." She stares at me, a stunned look glued to her face.

I guess you could say that I'm loosing my last hope to humanity. One small screw up and its gone. One flight change, one life changed.

But I guess you could say we're all just human.



The last few lines are left for you to find meaning to.

Don't worry I want to kick myself in the throat too :)

I haven't decided if there will be a second book or not. But thanks for reading :')

Bye |-/

+ the song at the top is by another band I like. I heard this song about two years ago and have had this plot line stuck in my head. It wasn't until I found Twenty One Pilots about a year ago that I knew it would be a tøp fanfic. Listen and enjoy.

Human // Josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now