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Joshes pov

"Bye sweetie! Buckle up! Watch on these slick roads! Keep Alice safe! Don't die! I love you! Bye!"
My mom yells at the top of her lungs as we walk down the drive way.

"Bye momma dun!"

"Bye mom!"

I walk over to Alice's side and open the door.

"Why, thank you." Alice laughs.

"No problem, mam."

As I get into my side I notice Alice twirling her thumbs as if she was thinking to much.

"You ok?"

She looks up from the floor of the car, "I guess, I just feel bad."

"Why? Did momma dun food poison you? She's done that before!?"

"No Josh!" She giggles.

"I just feel bad because you got me such a wonderful gift, and I didn't have anything to give you at all." She looks back down to the floor.

"Listen, you didn't need to give me a gift. You are a gift, Even with the short amount of time we have together." A pain radiated through my chest.

She looks up and smiles at me.

It happens again, only this time it seems to last longer.

"And if it makes you feel better, I didn't spend a nickel on your gift."


"I know some people."

"Well hook me up." She grins at me.

You may already know them.

I keep my mouth shut and pull out of the drive way.

"I really like your family."

"Really?" I ask.

"They're all so alive, so fun."

"I thought we were going to have to lock gramps in a room by himself." I laugh.

"He was sweet, I never really knew my grandparents."


"My mom ran away with my dad."

"Is your dad in contact with his parents?"

"I don't know. He left when I was four."


"It's ok, don't feel bad. As soon as he left my mom went to law school and now she's a very successful lawyer."

She smiles.

"So what exactly is alexithymia? I mean if your comfortable."

"It's different for everyone. Some are born with it, some develop it over time. It's not that I don't know what being happy or in love feels like, but it's really hard for me to identify what feelings are what. At a point in my life I felt like a blank canvas, but i feel like I'm slowly getting better."

"I really had never heard of that before today."

"A lot of people haven't. my mom thought my therapist was crazy." She chuckles.

"Look your doing it right now." I say.

"What?" She looks at me confused.

"You're happy."

She smiles at me.

"Would you like to go to go out with me and my mom tomorrow? If so, you might wanna dress nice."

Human // Josh dunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora