Sneak Peek

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I've been watching her now for 3 months I think it's time and honestly I think she's the one.

I need back up though so I'll get Matt, Johnson, Gilinsky and Taylor to help since I helped them capture there girl.

I helped Matt catch Kendall.
I helped Johnson catch Autumn.
I helped Gilinsky catch Madison.
Caniff still hasn't chosen one yet.

And now it's my turn.

We have it planned out she comes out of work at exactly 8:30 sometimes the cafe closes early so we're leaving at 8:15 she walks down an alley way about 5 minutes away from the cafe she works in and we'll be there with the van waiting today's Thursday so tomorrow I'm going.
I know her mum died 3 years back and her dads always gone on business trips and she's an only child.
So know one will know she's missing for a while but by the time they do she'll be long gone.
She's 19 and I'm 21 but it's legal so it's all good.

I've been in the cafe and I've spoken to her before you know just casual talk ordering my coffee and leaving again.

I'm the leader of the "Gang" so everyone expects me to have no feelings, feel no love, feel no pain but honestly when it comes to my little princess I do.

I can't wait to just hold her in my arms.

Cuddle with her while she sleeps.

She's so beautiful.

I love her and I'm ready for this.

So wish me luck..

Daddy Dallas|| c.dWhere stories live. Discover now