Getting to know

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~ Violets

I sat on bench in the school yard. Classes had not started yet. I was listening to music on my phone when someone pulled out my ear bud.

At first I thought it was Zeth. But I looked up to see Chanller.

" Oh hi" I said pulling the other one out.

" I didn't think it was possible to scare a vampire" he told me smiling.

" Well you didn't scare me I just thought that you were Someone else is all" I told him while I stuffed my ear buds in my pocket.
" And can you not call me that here" I said my voice above a whisper.

He nodded.
"I want to know more about your kind" he said adjusting his blue bag on his shoulders.

" Usually people run away and scream" I told him putting my phone away.

"Not this one" he said.

I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it wouldn't be bad if he did. Then I thought of a game.
"How about this. You tell me what you think is true about us. I will tell you wether it is true or not. Then tell you the truth" I said.

Chanller raised his eyes brows at me.
"You just had to make it a game. Sounds like 20 questions" he said getting up once the bell went.
He smiled when I started to walk beside him.
"We have all classes today together" he told me.

I nodded. Then I saw Amber walking the opposite direction she saw us to. And looked surprised. Chanller didn't seem to see her. She laughed and turned down the hall. I know what she was thinking.

" How come you don't burst into flames when you go out into sunlight?" he asked me.

I was pulled out my thought.
" The sunlights burns me like anything when I go out into. It's just like sunburn. Only I get it much worse. So I just cover up. But I don't burst into flames" I told him turning the corner.

"Oh" he said nodding.
" You are not like the classic vampire are you?" he asks me.

I shock my head.
" No" I told him.

"So if I held up a cross to you, you wouldn't burn at its touch" he more stated then said.

" I wouldn't. We actually like cross' " I told him while we walked along.
He held the door open for me to go into maths class.

We sat down at the back together. Next to each other.

" How often do you drink human blood?" he asked his voice whispering do no one could hear us.

I looked at him.
"Real human blood. About every five years" I told him.

"But don't you need it like food?" he asked looking confused.

I nodded.

" Then how the hell are you alive?" he asked puzzled.

I laughed a little while I took a pink drink bottle out of my bag. It had my artificial blood in it. It was actually safe for human to drink. I only know this because my brother stole my drink bottle once. It didn't kill him. But he said it tasted really bad.

" This" I said holding the bottle out to him.

He took the metal object.
" And what is this?" he froze.
"Please do not tell me there is human blood in this thing" he said his face going a bit pale.

I shock my head while I laughed.
" No, try some. It will not hurt you I promise" I told him.

I seemed wary but took a mouthful none the less. I saw the shock on his face. He was trying his best not to throw it back up and swallowed it.
He shook his whole body after he did.
"" he asked.

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