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~Violet's pov

As soon as I got home I ran in my bedroom door and slammed. It the loud noise echoed through the house. I leant on the white wood.

My fist clenched at the though of her. I ripped my school bag out my shoulders and threw it at the floor. The loud noise made a thump on the light brown carpet. Why did SHE have to be here?
Why now?

As I got angrier my bite mark started to flare up. And in no time at it felt like it was on fire. I ran into my own bathroom and turned the cold water on. I cupped my hands and splashed some on it. It calmed it down got a few seconds.

I looked in the mirror as I panted with panic. When I'm stressed I can't control myself!
My bite wound always flares up when I'm hungry.

I put my hand on it only to hurt worse. I saw my blue eyes in my reflection. They had gone crystal grey. A vampires eyes always change color the slightest bit.

I herd a soft knock on my door.
" Honey? Are you alright?" asked my mother.

I tuned the water of. She can't come in. I'll hurt her. I'll drink from her.
"Yeah" I said.
" I'm just stressing for a maths test I have tomorrow" I yelled back at her in the hopes that it would make her go away.

"Well....okay. Dinners on the table at seven" she told me.

" Okay thanks" I called back.

I ripped my black jacket of. In the mirror I looked at my bite mark. It was red I could see the teeth marks.

As my brother came home I smelt his scent in the air. The sound of his heart beat blared in my ears. At this my teeth stared to hurt. Real vampires are not like the ones that you have herd of. We do have a pair of sharp teeth that some people would call fangs on the top of out teeth. But further down. Where your teeth become to have two points instead of one. On the inner side of my teeth. There are two very sharp teeth that when I runny tongue over they cut it with ease.

I held my jaw as they started to throb.
I swallow the bile in my mouth. I had to have some.
Some blood.

As I tried to calmly walk into my bedroom I shook my head. I wasn't like the vampires you have herd of.
They need blood like humans need food. But not me. I need it once a mouth.

I say down next to my bed and looked under all the clutter of old socks to bags for a little black box. I had found a temporary way around feeding off other human. Besides the fact that I had mastered self control, I had made something that would wench my thirst.

I pulled the rectangular black box out from my bed. I licked my lips as I looked at the golden designs of a skull on the silk cover.

I opened it to find a black metal bottle. I pulled it out. It was heavy and filled with liquid.

To humans it looked like water. But there were hundreds of ingredients inside it to make it taste like blood. To quench my thirst.

For me to brake up the ingredients would take years. But it contained, water, salt, sugar, and rust particles. I know it sounds weird but certain rusts tastes exactly like blood. It's just for flavor.
( Don't actually try this. Once I gave some to my friend and they threw up. In real life I have it. I didn't say this story was based on true events).

I opened the black top and brought it to my lips. I greedily gulped it down. I would have to make more soon.

My bite mark started to hurt less. My teeth stopped throbbing. The headache that had formed quickly went away. I stopped knowing that if I had to much I would need the real thing.

I slowly sealed it and put the lid back on. Then placed it carefully back in its container and slid it under the bed.

"I see you are still drinking that fake stuff" I herd a voice behind me.

I whipped around to see Paige standing there leaning against my door. She was blocking the only exit. She reached down and locked the door.

My eyes darted to what was in her hand.I gulped at the sight of it. One of few things that would hurt vampires....

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