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Clarisa ran down the sunlit streets. Her legs pumped as they slapped on the hot cement. Today was a hot day. And she was covered to the nines in black leather and she was running.
Nonetheless she kept going. Clarisa glanced back at who was chasing her. Their blue uniforms bright in the sun.
Guns at their waist.

She was surprised that no cars were after her, yet. The policemen were closing in. Clarisa wiped sweat off her head as she panted.

I'm not going to get any where like this. I don't feel like getting busted again.

Clarisa glanced around to see any roots of escape. She turned down a alley to her right. The town was filled with them. Naturally the policemen followed her.

The girl swallowed as her heart beat thumped rapidly in her ears. She remembered, this alley came to abrupt stop.

She stopped her shoes scrapping on the rough pebbled ground. A tall wall stood in front of her. To her left, wall. To her right, wall. Behind her, heat.


She whipped around to see the two policemen had pulled their guns at her.

" Hands on your head!" They demanded loudly.

Clarisa panted, she didn't move. All except her left hand. Which reached for her weapon behind her back...

One of the officers noticed this.
" Weapon!" He shouted.

Then fired his weapon. His aim fittingly trained on Clarisa.......

~either that day

It was early morning. Soft sunlight came in through the small window to the left of a sleeping Clarisa. The warm light of her face, that sung slightly, awoke her. Her eyes lazily opened.

The first thing she saw was the almost blinding light form her left. She quickly reached her arm up to block the light. Groaning from sleepiness she sat up slowly.

Visions of last night flashed within her vision. Chanller, Amber and everything else pieced together in her mind.

She ran her hands over her tired face.
" Why dose my life have to be so fucked up?" She asked the still air.

She didn't usually sleep, but rather last night she had gotten home and passed out on her bed. Fully clothed by the look of it. She did this because every now and again vampires needed to rest their brain. Because it worked so hard last in night in a struggled attempt to clear up the situation in front of her. That is why she needed....sleep.

She stood up and walked over to the window. She closed the blinds, blocking out the harsh light she found so annoying. She changed clothes. Into a black leather jacket with skinny jeans that were also black. Black high tops and a black top. She fastened a little steel cross around her neck. She walked into her bathroom.

Her face was as pale as a ghost. The girl brushed out her black hair and tired it up, although it still reached her butt. Looking one last time in the mirror, Clarisa sighed.

She exited her bathroom and room, walking down the stairs. The house was a horrible quiet.

We're is everyone?

As Clarisa turned into the white kitchen her question was answered. On the steel fridge she saw a huge note filled with her mothers writing.


Your uncle has grown quite sick over night. We will have to venture outside the city. He lives about ten hours away. By the time you read this we will probably still be there. We tried to wake you but you remained asleep. You can take care of yourself. Call Amber over if you want. IF I COME HOME TO MESS I WILL KILL YOU. IF I COME HOME TO YOU PREGNANT I WILL KILL YOU. IF I COME HOME TO A PARTY, I WILL KILL YOU. IF THERE IS NO HOUSE TO COME BACK TO, I WILL KILL YOU.

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