Chapter 1: "Lust."

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3rd Person;

The dark haired man ran through the empty corridors. He was late to potions and he already come to fact that Snape was indeed going to kill him.

This wouldn't have happened if Ron would have woke him up, he'll have to lecture Ron on that. He even missed breakfast in the Great Hall.

His stomach growled as he rounded the corner to the classroom.

The door was closed. He moved his hand forward to try and open the door as quietly as possible. The door blew open and all eyes were on him. Well except for Snape's of coarse. He was at the front of the classroom, back turned and wand pointing behind him.

"Glad you could join us, Mr.Potter. Care to explain why exactly you are late to my class?" Snape sneered, turning around.

Harry gulped. "I-uh-slept in" He ran a hand through his hair. Glancing around the class room, spotting his two friends near the front of class. No free seat around them.

"10 points from Gryffindor. For 'sleeping in'" Severus mocked. A round of groans escaped the gryffindors. As the Slytherin's laughed and high-fived. 

Harry's eyes found one certain blonde Slytherin, in the back of the class, sitting beside an empty seat at a workshop, who gave him a smug smirk and he rolled his eyes. Of course, Malfoy was getting a blast out of this.

"Now if you will, Potter. Take a seat and stop interrupting my lesson." Snape interrupted his thoughts.

"Yes, Sir" Harry began to walk towards his friends in the front.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" Snape looked at the boy as if he was stupid.

"To sit?" Harry gestured towards Hermione and Ron.

"Where exactly do you expect to sit? The ground? The only free space is in the back" He gestured towards the spot beside Malfoy.

Now it was Harry's turn to groan.

"Now sit, or another 10 points will be taken." Snape threatened.

Harry turned around and walked towards the stupid blonde. All eyes watched as Harry took the seat beside him.

"Potter." Malfoy snarled in disgust.

"Malfoy." Harry said tuning him out.

Snape began to teach the class again.
"Every set of people, who'll be partners for the process of this potion, have a cauldron and different ingredients. Each pair has a different potion that brings the consumer different feelings, each varying on the amount of time it takes to brew."

Malfoy groaned and Harry sighed at them being paired together.

"Now if you grab the paper that's on your right, you'll see what potion has been selected for your group. The instructions and amounts of each ingredient is on there. When you finish you'll both be required to take said potion. You may proceed." Snape announced and sat at his desk.

Harry grabbed the paper and glanced at the title a bad feeling in his stomach occurring when he read it. He read it again and looked at Malfoy.

"Potter, what potion did we get?"

Harry sat silently looking at the paper.

"Oh just hand it over Potter!" Draco ripped the paper out of his hands.

His eyes scanned over the 4 letters at the top of the page.


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