I crashed

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"STOP,STOP", I screamed as my father tickled me on our old sofa, I couldn't breath from laughing so hard. My father stopped and picked me up and hugged me and I hugged him as tight as my little 6 year old arms could.I remember the way he smelled, like chocolate.

My dad worked at Godiva, he was the head of the company, and he spent most of his days perfecting ways to make the perfect Godiva chocolates. I thought that he had the coolest job in the world. Except the times he had to go out of town to go to meetings. But that was all before we found out he was very sick.

Then he adjusted me in his arms so he was holding me on my belly, and he said, "How about this little airplane flies into landing into her little bed?"

I giggled and put my arms out, and my dad "flew" me up the stair and into my room and straight into my bed. He kissed me goodnight, and turned off the lights, and I waited for my mother to come tell me goodnight.

When she walked in a quickly snuggled down in my sheets and pretended to be asleep, but when she came to the side of my bed and whispered, "Hey, silly girl, I know you're not really asleep yet."

"How?" I asked her.

"I just know", she said, then she kissed me goodnight, and turned on my little night light, before leaving the room.

****** End of Flashback****

"Hello, miss are you awake?"

I was awaken by someone standing over me and my head was pounding, and I feel like a peice of crap.

"Miss, miss?"

"What do you want, just leave me alone." I said in a groggy voice, wow my voice sound terrible.

"Miss, you have been in a little wreck, do you know your name, or any personal information?" a guy asked in a white coat thing, who I'm guessing is the doctor person.

 I sat up and told him, "I am Taylor Smit, I just turned 16, my dad died of cancer last year, I have a baby pug named button, and I just got my own car 2 days ago." I I was tired, hungry, and my head hurt so bad, I wasnt sure why the hell I was in this hospitable bed.

"Ok, we have some family members here to see you, they will be in, in about 5 minutes."

I groaned and laid back down, I didn't want to see anybody, except my pug, I wouldn't mind having his company. I laid back down in the hospitable bed and I closed my eyes and instantly remember what happened.

******** Flashback******

" I HATE THIS HOUSE, I HATE MY LIFE" I remember I screamed that as I ran out of my house, I was going to get away, get away from everything, then I remember running to the other side of the street, well.... I almost made it to the other side of the street.

I looked back and saw my mother chasing after me, yelling at me. Then BAM!


*******end of flashback*********

The more I thought about it, the more it hurt, my side hurt so bad. I sat there miserably in the little hospitable bed, then I heard the door open and I turned my head and saw the last person on earth I wanted to see.

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