'Toshiro Kurosaki' Profile

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Toshiro Kurosaki 'Kurosaki Toshiro'

- Shiro
- Shi-chan ~ Toshiro Parents
- ShiroShiro ~ Neko nickname {Next Chapter} Teasing Him
- Toshiro-boy ~ Maximillion Pegasus
- Lame/ Loser Rider ~ Chazz Princeton

Other Names: - Kamen Rider Duelist
- Rider Duelist

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Birthday: 9th June

- Ruka Kurosaki: Mother
- Taichi Kurosaki: Father

Education: Duel Academy

Dormitory / Rank: RA Yellow

- Kamen Rider

Fuse-able Spirits:
- Momotaros (Momo)
- Urataros (Ura)
- Kintaros (Kin)
- Ryutaros (Ryu)
- Sieg

Able to see / hear / touch duel monster spirits

Appearances: {Image Above}
Hair Colour:
- Original: Brown with dark brown highlights shoulder tip spiky hair length, a single long hair piece in the middle of his face touch above his nose while the rest is spread framing his cheek length.
Imagin Takes Over;
- Momotaros: Toshiro hair spikes up slightly with a red streak.
- Urataros: Toshiro hair is straight with a single blue streak and wearing a black rimmed eyeglasses.
- Kintaros: Toshiro hair is in a long ponytail with a single yellow gold streak.
- Ryutaros: Toshiro hair has a long purple and black streak hair wearing a brown cap.
- Sieg: Toshiro hair is style into cornrows and has several white highlights with one longer white and black lock on the left side of his face and a white feather boa appears around his neck.

Eye Colour:
- Original: Green Emerald Eyes
Imagin Takes Over;
- Momotaros: Red Eyes
- Urataros: Blue Eyes
- Kintaros: Yellow Gold Eyes
- Ryutaros: Purple Eyes
- Sieg: White Eyes

- Duelling
- Families/ Friends
- Food
- Duel Monster Spirit / Cards
- Hanging out with friends
- His dad card design works

- Evil People
- People who calls his deck a weakling or insulting it
- Creeps / Jerks / Bullies
- Hurting / Harming his friends
- Shadow Riders
- Some Teachers
- His spirits embarrassing him

- Kind / Caring / Helpful
- Observant/ Conference/ Calm
- Shy / Embarrassed ~ Teasing
- Mad ~ When some people cross over the line with their words
- Momotaros: Angry / More Confident
- Urataros: Woo over girls but calm with his words
- Kintaros: Talking about his strength
- Ryutaros: Talking like a HipHop dancer
- Sieg: Flirty, talks like a Prince

- His father Taichi Kurosaki works for Maximillion Pegasus and he is the original designer for Kamen Rider cards / deck.
- His mother Ruka Kurosaki sometimes helps out with the design.
- Toshiro has the ability to communicate with monster spirits since he was little.
- Toshiro is the only one that holds the Kamen Rider Deck.
- All Kamen Rider has their own name
• Acts on their own sometime

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