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The Next Morning

Nicki Pov

I got up, took a shower and got dress. I went downstairs and Meek was fixing the kids cereal.

Nicki:Babe where Den Den get clothes from

Meek:Na dropped stopped by late last night

Nicki: OKay

Last night I thought about the whole kid situation and I changed my mind. I went in the livingroom and made a phone call.

Phone Convo

Nicki:Niara you awake

Niara: I am now that you called and woke me up

Nicki: My bad but i gotta serious question to ask you

Niara: Is everything okay

Nicki: Yeah, Shay passed and she had a baby. They revived the baby but couldnt save her. Appearently the dude she was with abused her and this time she wasnt so lucky

Niara: Oh man thats sad

Nicki: Yeah,but thats not why I called

Niara: Then what is it

Nicki: Would you mind taking care of the baby

Niara Pov

When she said that I was happy as hell.

Niara: Hold on Nic

I put her on speaker phone. And shook Tak


Tak: Babygirl go back to sleep

Niara: No baby get up

He rolled over and sat up against the headboard

Tak:You better have a good reason to have waken me up outta my sleep

Niara: You know Shay

Tak: Yeah, I heard dude killed her

Niara: She was pregnant and they saved the baby

Tak:What that gotta do with you waking me up

Niara: Imma pop you in the mouth, stop being so damn grumpy

Nicki laughed

Tak:Who is that

Niara: Nic Nic on the phone

Tak: Sis you know why she woke me up

Nicki:Yeah if you just listen she would tell you

Tak: Aight

Niara: Anyway she had the baby but he dont have nowhere to go, you know Bri got cancer and she cant take care of him

Tak: So you saying you wanna take him

Niara:* I but my lip nervously* Yeah * I put my head down*

Tak: lift ya head up, NIc when yall leave to get him

Nicki: Im about 30 minutes

Tak: Well me and Niara bout to get dress and go to the store and buy the stuff me need. Tell Meek to get the Chaser so we can decorate his room

I shrieked

Nicki: Okay

Niara: Aight Nic Nic get off the phone before you heard something that you dont want to

Nicki: Eww nasty

Nicki Pov

I hung up the phone. Meek was standing against the wall, I felt him staring a hole thre my face. I never looked up, I made sure not to look his way.

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