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A Few Month Later

Nicki's Birthday

Nicki Pov

There alot that happened in these past few months. Papi started school, I got a new job but Rihmeek made me quit, he moved his family and The Chasers to California for a new start after everything happened with Fah and the boys. Meek reached out to my mom and she talked to him, he set up a dinner so they could meet. I had a doctors appointment today on my birthday at 10:15 so I rolled out of bed. There was a note beside the bed.

Dear Queen, I got called into work today. I took Papi with me because you were sleeping so peaceful. I might be in all day so, ill see you tonight.

Love Rihmeek

I cant believe he forgot my birthday. I got up and hopped in the shower.After I got out I put on my some ripped jeans with legging and a pink shirt that said 'Boss' on it and my pink timberlands with my heavy black coat. I grabbed my keys and made my way to the doctors office.

In the Doctors Office

Dr: Onika Maraj

I got up and followed the doctor to the back. They had the medical assistant come in to get a blood and urine sample. The doctor came in and examined me. A nurse came in and gave the doctor a envolope. She opened it and looked up at me.

Dr: Congrats Ms.Maraj

Nicki: On what

Dr:Your 4 weeks pregnant

Nicki:Are you serious

Dr:Yes, Ill write your prescription for your prenatal vitiams and then you can go

I cant believe that im a month pregnant and I didnt even know. I got the birth control shot because i alway almost forgot I had to take them, but i forgot they said that it wasnt always gonna be effective.I wanted to call Meek and tell him but I was mad at him.I got a FaceTIme call from Papi.

FaceTime Convo

Papi:Hey mommy

Nicki:Hey baby

Papi:Happy Birthday

Nicki:Thank you baby

Papi:Where you at

Nicki: On the way home from the doctor.. I gotta surprise for you

Papi:What is it

Nicki: Im gonna tell you when you get home

Papi: We gonna be here all day

Meek(in the background): Pap who you talking to


Meek:okay, tell her i said hey and I love her

Papi:Mommy daddy said he love you

Nicki:Tell him i love him too

He delivered the message

Papi:Mommy i gotta get back to work

Nicki: Okay *fakes being sad* you hanging up on me Pap

Papi:*laughs* Mommy stop, ill be home soon..I promise

Nicki: I love you , bye

Papi: I love you too mommy,bye

FaceTime Convo End

I cranked the car up and headed home after i got the vitiams. I got a text from everybody, along with they mama and the cousin telling me birthday, I wasnt doing anything so i responded to them all. I was walking into the kitchen to make me somethin to eat when my phone started ringing. It was Na

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