Chapter 22

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Police Officer's Report

Lefteris Oikonomou

That girl. Every night, she lunges at me and I try to do it different, to do it right but something primal in me pulls the gun and points it at her. She hisses at me, blood is dripping down her thin little arms and she tries to bite me, foaming in the mouth. Little square teeth that are not meant for biting, missing teeth that are supposed to be cute but they are not.

I get the call. The radio hisses. The girl hisses. I drive to the military camp. Not the gate, the other way, the side way. The bars are low. The bars are blue. Soldiers go out and make trouble all the time. I don't even need my gun. They don't even let them carry ammo anymore.

I pull the car over and leave the police lights on. Everything is crimson-blue, crimson-blue, crimson-blue. Makes it hard to see into the night. I grab my flashlight. Whack it a bit, never works.

Look around, bushes all around. Crimson-blue. Walk around the fence, doors are crimson, bars are blue.

I check the perimeter. Yell to be heard, ears are deaf.

Check the house. Left is wild, right is home.

Hissing. The girl hisses. Her face is crimson-blue, crimson-blue. Blood dripping. Saliva bubbling.

I said I couldn't tell, but I can tell. It's a girl. Crimson and blue, but it's a girl. Not an animal.

I try to do it different this time.

She lunges at me.

I shoot.

Oh God I'm so sorry.

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