Chapter 11

17 1 0

Reconstruction of Macro Photography used by the victim

Video Transcript

ZV: You are messing this up!

PN: Stop shaking the table, this is delicate work.

ZV: You're dripping some water on your phone. How hard can it be?

PN: Stop shaking the table! I can't stabilise my hands.

ZV: Just throw it on the lens.

PN: It needs to be a round drop, held by surface tension.

ZV: What does this blogger know, he can't even spell. He wrote "how dose it work."

PN: He might not be a native English speaker. The instructions are good enough.

ZV: Stupid article. Isn't there another?

PN: Stop shaking the table!

ZV: All right! Jeez... Touchy with our projects, aren't we?

PN: Wait... Got it. Now it says, turn the phone over...

ZV: Now what's your excuse.

PN: Inexperience and shaky hands. I'll try again.

ZV: Keep the water drop on the phone lens. Don't spill it.

PN: That's what I'm trying to do.

ZV: Really? It seemed like you were trying to water that plant over there.

PN: Ghnn. Got it. Easy... Now gimme the blood slide.

ZV: I don't have it ready.

PN: Come on, you took the blood slide duty, I took the water drop duty. It is a clear and equal splitting of duties.

ZV: You didn't want to prick your finger.

PN: And I didn't want to prick my finger.

ZV: Well, you sit still, don't let the water drop and I'll prick your finger.

PN: No!

ZV: Haha, men and blood. Whatever. Wait a sec.

PN: Put a tiny drop on the slide, spread it across and make it thin with the needle.

ZV: Yes Dexter...

PN: Then put the glass over it, one side first.

ZV: I know...

PN: And then...

ZV: I said I know!

PN: Bring it here where there's more light.

ZV: Jeesh, a nine year-old can do this. Relax.

PN: OK. Yeah, its blurry. Oh, here, that's good I guess.

ZV: Just take a bunch of pictures and we'll sort it later.

PN: That's not very thorough, CDI Zoe.

ZV: Come on, who cares? No-one's gonna see this report anyway.

PN: I just wanna do a proper and thorough investigation.

ZV: Why did you have to be a historian? Couldn't you have been a delivery guy, like all the normal people?

PN: I honestly have no clue why a deliv...

ZV: Forget it. Take pictures. Thorough ones, quick as you like.

PN: How do I turn on flash?

ZV: Here, press this.

PN: OK got it.

ZV: Nai, that's looking good.

PN: Our reconstruction shows that the victim could indeed carry on her obsession with blood, even after her parents taking her microscope away. It is of course nowhere near the magnification of a specialised lens but we can see how she could carry on with these makeshift tools.

ZV: Seriously?

PN: The video is on.

ZV: Are you one of those guys that talk into a tape recorder all day?

PN: We are recording this!

ZV: Moron. Here's some more blood. Play with yourself.

PN: A quick comparison shows that the images are similar to the hundreds found in the victim's phone memory. We can therefore conclude that this was the method she used to carry on her obsession.

ZV: -

PN: Zoe, stop that.

Maniai Case File 1: The Girl And The Blood SlideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ