Chapter 20

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So, this is how it feels like getting fired. That was fast.

It was five past eight in the morning. This was as long I could reasonably delay the call. The boss, Mr. Epiktitos would be at his office now. The only course of action I had was to come clean. Waiting would only make things worse.

I gathered up my strength and picked up the hotel room phone. Then, a tang of stinginess hit me and I put the receiver down. Hotels charge a lot for phone calls, and Zoe had forced me into a penny-saving mindset.

Yes, she'd get mad if I spent money on phone-calls for bailing her out. I just knew.

I picked up my cellphone and called the home office. I reviewed my situation mentally and couldn't help but laugh at myself. No wonder they call us Tramp Division.

Irene picked up. "Hello? This is the Rabies Division, how may I help you?" Her tone was simply cordial.

I shut my eyes and just spat it out. "Irene, listen. This is Polybios. We have a problem, police thought we were carrying drugs and raided us which of course we don't. Zoe is in holding since last night. I called first thing in the morning, so that our boss can maybe sort it out. Is it bad? I know it's not even a full week that I'm working there, am I gonna get fired? It's not Zoe's fault, these policemen have it out for us, dunno why really. It's not Zoe's fault, did I say that? No drugs involved whatsoever. I don't wanna lose this job, I'm really starting to like it but I'm not sure what to do. Irene? Can you hear me?"

The cordial tone stayed intact. In fact, it was as if she was speaking louder so she could be heard clearly. "Yes Polybios, that's OK. Let me talk to Mr. Epiktitos and I'll call you back dear, OK? Bye bye."

I sat on the bed and awaited punishment.

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