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One Shot: For an Anon I got on my tumblr :)

*(Y/N) = Your Name*(Y/LN) = Your Last Name


An emotion that I have been feeling too much for these past three months. Going on tour with him has just made things worse; I don't even know why I came. I knew she was going to be there so why aren't I at home, watching tv and cuddling with my blanket and ice cream by myself, while he was here, cuddling with her and eating ice cream with her, while I have to watch.

Like right now, I was sitting at the table in the "kitchen" of the tour bus while they were snuggling on the couch in the "living room" watch some god-forsaken chick flick, that I know positively that he can't stand to watch. He looks everywhere but the screen, so he looks at her for a while, oblivious to my eyes on him, they always are; I can't help it. His arms are around her waist while they are laid down on the sofa together.

"That should be me." My conscious tell me.

"Shut up conscious no one asked you for your opinion."

"We'll you're the one torturing yourself here, while he rubs his hands all over her." My conscious reminds me.

"You're right conscious.."

"What did you say?" A husky voice that I knew all too well cut off my internal conversation. What was he talking about?

"Say what? I'm just eating my dinner." I said confused while looking up to him; my eyes had wondered to my bowl of soup during I fought myself in my head.

His eyes were green, a luscious green that keeps me captive everytime I lock eyes with him. He had an unreadable look on his face as he spoke, "You said your "You're right conscious"... Right about what?" He questioned me.

My eyes widened at my stupidity, I knew I spoke my thoughts and I know I shouldn't think where people are near. I tend to voice my thoughts out loud a lot when I'm upset. "Oh um, nothing. Nothin at all just continue with your movie." I said finishing my bowl and getting up to wash the dishes in the sink; these boys dont know the word "clean". He turned his face towards the telly, but I felt that burn where you think someone if looking at you the whole time I cleaned the dishes.

"Could you please do that some other time..? You are kinda loud and interrupting our alone time.. Which we barely get anymore.." That innocent and sweet voice spoke up when I was almost done washing them.

It's not that I hate her, cause I don't, it's just, she is nice to everyone. She isn't fake, and wouldn't harm a fly; the definition of innocent and pure. From her dirty blonde hair to her long legs she out weighs me in looks.

"No wonder he chose her and not you" My conscious reminded me like it was her daily routine; which it is.

She doesn't want to hurt anyone ever, although she involuntarily hurts me every time she is near him, touching his arm, holding his hand, even them being in the same room together not even near each other kills me. She is perfect for him in every possible way, in ways that I am not; and that hurts more than them even being together.

"Fine, I'll go see what Lou is up to. Enjoy your "alone time." I said, not meaning to sound sarcastic but it oozed out of me. See what I mean? She is nothing but nice to me, while I am nothing but bitter and bitchy towards her. I turn to go to the back of the bus where the rest of the boys are but his voice stops me.

"Hey. Why-Why dont you join us? I mean...I was planning on taking her out tonight so we'll have enough time later." he speaks so hesitantly. I turn around to look at him sit up and set her on his lap while patting the empty space on the couch. I look at the empty spot and it is so tempting, but I cant.

One Direction One Shots (Currently Accepting Submissions!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt