Words Are Better Spoken

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You were mute; although you preferred the term silent, and you have not spoken in 7 years, not even your current boyfriend, Liam; of almost 1 year, has ever heard your voice.

You were sat on the roof top of the hotel the two of you were staying at while you tagged along with him on his world tour. The sunset was sending rays of red, pink and purple throughout the sky. You were leaning back onto Liam's toned chest, sitting in-between his legs as his arms were wrapped protectively around your waist, holding you close. His breathing was steady, as his chest rose up and down evenly. Although, yours was the complete opposite; so much was running through your mind tonight. You loved him, you loved him with all your heart and soul, but you could never tell him. He will never hear your voice speak his name, let alone an "I love you". Your eyes started to water uncontrollably, You prayed Liam would not notice, unlucky for you; he did.

"(Y/N), whats wrong love?" He spoke as he turned you around wiping your tears away that were falling from your eyes. You sighed, grabbed your notepad and pen from beside you and wrote, "I just, I don't understand why you have stuck with me for almost a year; You have never ever heard me make a single sound, yet you stay with me, as my boyfriend. Why?" You watch as he reads it over; his facial expression changing after every word he reads from the tear stained paper. In stead of speaking like he usually does, he grabs the pen out of your hand and takes 7 seconds to write his message that says, " Because I love you (Y/N)."

You look up to face him , the tears still streaming down your face; unable to stop. You want to badly to speak those 6 special words you have been dying to tell him. And surprisingly, you do.

"I-I l-love you-u t-too, Liam P-Payne." With a slight stutter, you manage to tell him how much he really means to you for the first time.

"I love you even more, (Y/N)." He say back pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

You spend the rest of the night on the rooftop, eventually falling asleep in his arms as you stargaze into the cool August night.

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