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I heard the sound of the final buzzer go off from inside the gym signaling half time as started. I was outside of the boys basketball team locker room, waiting for Harry to come back, hoping he would go straight from the gym to the locker room to relax and have a team meeting and then meet me here like he always did before going back out to finish his game.

While watching the game, I saw him take basket after basket but missing 3/4 of every one. He wasn't in his game today and I couldn't bare to watch anymore, not knowing what the cause of it was.

Was he frustrated? Stressed out? I know there are scouts in the bleachers today, but they were always there, every game, so how would that get to him?

The sound of a door opening and closing with a heavy thud fills my ears and echoes throughout the empty hallway. There was the slight sound in the distance of the halftime music playing as the footsteps and occasional squeaks of shoes on the floor got closer to me. I sat on the bench next to the vending machine, knowing he was the one walking towards me; I knew the squeak of his Nike's anywhere. Basketball shoes stepped into my line of vision, intercepting my dazed look at the shiny waxed floors.

The sound of him sighing filled my ears; he was beating himself up inside. He always did that when he wasn't playing to his 110%. I looked up to meet his usually sparkling bright green orbs, filled with joy, waiting to lift me in the air, spin me around as he kisses me; but I was faced with the dull flat murky green eyes of disappointment. Hurt, frustration, and confusion showed in how he stood with his hands in the waistband of his shorts while he looked down, his curl mess of brown curls falling over his face, hiding his disappointment.

"Harry." I said in deep concern, reaching out to him, but he didn't react to my touch, only sighing again.

"Harry, It's okay, there is no reason to be-" I started but he interrupted me.

"No reason to be what? Confused? Frustrated? I just wasted 16 minutes in those two quarters! I played shittly! I couldn't focus though the entire game!" He screamed, running his fingers through his hair, pulling at the ends trying to calm down. I sat there shocked, tears forming, threatening to fall over and down my cheeks; but I held them in.

"W-W-Why?" I asked, the stuttering keeping me from loosing it all. He noticed my scared voice, I have never seen this side of him; so flustered and angry.

"You were running around in my thoughts, constantly going through my every thought process during my game time. Never leaving, always there. I couldn't decide if it was a good thing or bad thing; my thoughts consisted of you and only you, Jess; not my plays, not the time on the clock, but YOU. I havent been able to tell you the truth for a long time." He took a breath, and went down on his knees in front of me. He looked up, and this time his eyes were soft and loving, not angered and confused. His eyes were becoming watery and I wiped the edges of his eyes to stop the tears from falling down his cheeks.

Why is he so worked up? Why me? We have only been dating for how long now? Gosh, six months? Did I do something wrong? I must have because I have never seen him like this. We haven't gone to even second base, I couldn't have done something wrong in THAT department...

"I-I-I do not know how to explain it to you in words Jessica." He said with desperation in his voice. I stood up, trying to get him to stand up too but he stayed on his knees, attaching to me by holding my waist massaging circles into it with his big hands. His face came to my stomach from him kneeling down; he looked so helpless.

"I have never said this to anyone before; hell! I have never felt this way about anyone before!" He exclaimed trying to get his words out but only exceeding with small gasps of air as he tried to steady his breathing. He gave up and stood up, picking me up as he came to his full height, carrying me to the locker room.

My mind was racing from thought to thought; what has he never said to anyone? He is going to break up with me isn't he. I knew it. I see all the signs; ignoring me slightly when I talk about Homecoming next week, sometimes dodging my kisses and suddenly running off for a practice he "forgot" about.

My eyes instantly tear up, the tears streaming down like an anchor to a boat, but they don't stop my brain from thinking about what was about to happen. A boat anchor stops the boat from moving, preventing it from going backwards or forwards, and that is how my train of thought is. It's stuck on the tracks, only repeating that 6 worded sentence. He's going to breakup with me.

He stood me up on the bench and I leaned against the wall behind me as he walked away towards the lockers, angrily slamming all the open ones closed ad I flinched as each sound echoed in the small locker room. He turn around and looked at my frightened face; he slowly approached me at my position on the metal bench, that is creaking from my shaking body.

Harry stood in front of me, grabbed my waist and leaned his head onto my stomach, crying, pleading for his words to come out.

But actions speak louder than words, because stoop on his tip toes and pulled me down so he could kissed me; me leaning down to kiss him from from my height on the bench. He kissed me with such passion, none of our other kisses could compare to this one. His lips somewhat chapped from playing in his game, probably from lack of water,my soft ones molding with his as we moved in sync, none of us wanting air ever. Both wanting the same thing, each other and for this kiss to never break apart. So much was told by him kissing me this way, the amount of passion he was giving was indescribable, luring me in with each wave. I leaned my head to the side, as he licked my top lip, like he usually does, to ask for entrance and I let him in. Usually he kisses with force and lust but this was totally different.

He pulled away all too soon, both of us gasping for air as our foreheads rested against each other, our eyes closed, taking in the kiss that was just shared between us moments ago. I opened my eyes after what seemed like forever and saw him staring at me with a look that he has never looked at me before. His eyes shining the brightest that I have ever seen them before, his dimples very prominent in his cheeks as he looked my face all over.

He took in a deep breath, and said 4 clearly audible words,

"I love you Jess." And with that, my heart skipped a beat.

"I have since day one, but I tried to hide it; but as it grew, it was hard to hide, hard to not slip it out accidentally before you were ready to hear me say it. I wanted to say it at Homecoming next week; to dance with you to a slow song, swaying back and forth with your head on my chest while kissing your hair, forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and finally your lips before I said those three words to you. I wanted it to be special, rememberable, not with me having a moment of weakness, unable to contain it any longer." He told me, as my eyes started to form tears of joy, of relief.

"I love you too Harry, and it is not a moment of weakness. Only a moment of courage, and it is rememberable, how can I forget this? The day the boy I love told me he loves me back, in the most rememberable way possible, and the only way I would ever want to happen. A surprise."

His smile went big, and his eyes started to get glossy, but the sound of the buzzer, signaling the next quarter is about to start, rang loud and he cursed, kissed me hard and ran to the door connecting the gym court with the locker room.

Before he left he turned to face me, looking at me from across the lane of lockers and mouth three words that will always make me go weak,

"I love you."

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