It's Your Fxcking Nightmare

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The room was lit up with bright lights, instruments and a very small flat bed that resembled a cross. It smelled like disinfecting sprays and it was making me a little nauseous. I was used to it already since I'd been to the hospital too many times to even count.

There were so many nurses around me and I was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic. 

"Okay, Jacqueline. We're gonna administer the Anesthesia and then we're gonna pinch your belly to see if you can feel anything, okay?" Dr. Andrus informed her as he watched the nurses give her the shot through her IV. 

"Yeah." She said in an uneasy voice.

I kept my attention on Jackie since they didn't let me go any lower than her head. There was a blue curtain draped over her chest, blocking her from any view of her stomach. I wish it was blocking mine, considering the fact that I hate seeing the insides of a human.

"You okay?" I asked her, fixing the net on her head. 

She smiled and that's when I knew she was getting loopy on the anesthetic. "I'm so sleepy and you're so cute with your little nose." 

I laughed, "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when they're going to take the baby out." 

"I love you so much baby. I'm sorry for ever hurting you. But now we're married and I know we're supposed to be together for a long, long, long time." She said, totally ignoring my suggestion. 

It was really hard not to find the moment funny. She must've been on a good one. "I love you too and we are going to be together for a very long time. Remember, it's just the beginning." 

"Our story is never ending." She smiled, reaching out for my hand. I gave it to her and graced my thumb over her soft skin. "Your finger is soft."

"I don't think our love story even has an ending. It's one of those stories that just continues on." 

"I'm glad because I've always known you're the one for me. Even if you piss me off and even if I piss you off." She laughed nasally in which I smiled, "What do you see on the other side of this stupid thing?" I peeked over the sheet blocking her view and saw blood and insides and it scared me. "Blood and... a head... I think." 

She laughed, "Ask them to take some fat out, yeah? I can use a little lypo." 

I shook my head laughing, "Once you're recovered, we can go to the gym together while the baby stays at my dad's house or something. But might I add you'll be perfect regardless." 

"Okay. Jackie you're gonna feel some tugging. You're gonna feel dull pain as if something was pushing your abdomen, that's just us taking the baby out okay?" The doctor announced. 

My hands started to get sweaty as the moment came closer and closer. I wanted to see my daughter already. Ultrasound pictures definitely weren't enough. 

"Yeah." She said closing her eyes. "Babe tell me when she's out." I nodded looking over the sheet to see if I could peek a look at the moment they pull her out. 

"One.. Two...Three. Good job." Dr. Andrus said, pulling out my daughter and laying her on Jackie's legs. She wasn't crying, but that's normal for babies not to cry. I had mixed emotions about seeing her. I was happy she was here. But I was melancholy because I wasn't sure how her health status would be after they removed the cord. "It's a girl! Congrats... Let's get this cord off her and some oxygen in her."  

"Baby!" I squealed, holding Jackie's hand. Her eyes lit up, "She's here." 

"Go see if they take care of her good." She ordered.

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