The meet

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I stepped out into the bright sunlight that my eyes were not adjusted to yet since I had been asleep. My phone was blinking different colors like it always does when I get a notification about Youtube or a text message. I checked and saw that Jacksepticeye had posted a video: Visiting America!

I decided to watch it because I watch everything he post. He was placed in the setting of a terminal that was crammed full of people. None seemed to recognise him though, or at least if they did they didnt show it.

"Thank you and I will see all you dudes.... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" the video ended and I heard the familiar sounds of life in L.A. I walked also heard my dad calling for me. "NAVIYA!" he was yelling "damnit... what did i do this time?" I whispered since my dickhead parents didnt want me to cuss even though i was 20. I was glad I had been scheduled to leave today.

"What dad?!" I asked attempting but failing miserably to act like a badass.
"Here. Get your stuff and go." He said in the tone he always uses after he loses the lottery like he does every time. He handed me my suitcase and practically slammed the door behind me.

-time skip-

Once the taxi dropped me off at the terminal He drove off snickering at the fact i was trying to look cool while being a whopping 5 foot 3 inches. I was just glad that no one had tried to mug me yet.

I walked in with my roller bags clanking behind me and spent the next hour trying to get through security.

After I made it through security I heard a loud scuffling a few feet behind me. I turned around and saw three big bulky guys migging a shorter one with bright green hair... For some reason that color brought up a funny thought in the back of my head but I couldnt think of that now. My instincts took over and without thinking I jumped on the tallest one's back.

Please dont judge me to harshly. I am new to writing.

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