Chapter 9 "Dreams, Become Reality"

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Finally, I would be able to drive again. When my hands touched the wheel I felt like I had regained my life back. Next thing to worry about, besides keeping my ear from loud noises, was locating Daniella. I couldn't think of anywhere she could go. Her parents abandoned her when she was little and her foster parents live in Spain, or Italy, I can't remember. But wherever she was going would have to wait. Time to get this show on the road. I moved Madison to the computers.

Evidently she was as good as Daniella, just not as willing to go inside a tornado. That was going to take some work.

"Madison, seriously. Daniella and I did it what once, maybe twice."

"I know you've done it, but how many                                                                                                              times have you almost gotten yourselves killed?" she protested.

"Once, and you know why!" I shot back. She looked a little hurt at me snapping and I cooled off. "I'm sorry, but I'm not putting one of the boys in. I need it to be a girl. It's always been that way." The sun was beginning to set and that marked the end of the day.

“Olivia, what about her?” She began. I snorted.

“She doesn’t have the computer skills. I promise you, it’s completely safe.” She sighed and consented.

The tree pile was enormous. There were at least three trees stacked upon each other where Daniella and I were. She probably should be thanking me, not yelling at me. I kinda of saved her life as well as mine. Olivia climbed out of her truck, looking defeated.

“She won’t answer.” Olivia called to me. This didn’t surprise me at all. My head was beginning to ache and Tyler went to look up the nearest hotel. It was a crappy Dogwood Lodge. Probably some family owned business. The name was ironic, because there were no dang forests in Oklahoma.

Madison wouldn’t let me drive just yet. Not until we figured out this whole hearing situation. Whatever made her comfortable. As we were driving along the road something glimmered when the head lights touched it.

Tyler decided to pull over and take a look at it, while everyone else kept going a little further until we could stop. In the dark I could make out his figure and something in his arms. Something big and furry.

“If that’s a dog Tyler, the answer is no.” Max yelled from behind me.

Tyler acted as if he couldn’t hear him. When I got closer I could see the dog visibly, its leg was broken. I sure hope he didn’t get any ideas. Seriously, Daniella left not but 20 minutes ago. Does he think the dog is going to replace her? I know he has feelings for her, but come on. If we keep the dog, I know what the name will be.

“Look how cute she is.” He whined like a five year old begging her mom for a puppy. Which in this case the mom was Max. When Tyler loves something, he doesn’t give up on getting it. It comes in handy with getting information from tornadoes, but not getting a puppy that we can not only afford, but give a proper home.

“I’m sorry, but the answer is no. We can’t give that dog a backyard or proper food. Let’s take it to the vet.” Olivia inquired. He looked a little beat by the cons so he handed her the dog. “I’ll take her to the vet and they can send her to the humane society.” She decided and hopped into her car.

As she got the engine started Madison tapped on her window to roll it down.

“Make sure you know the way to the Dogwood Lodge.”  Olivia nodded and did a three point turn to head back down the road. Her truck went along the road bouncing up and down until her rear lights disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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