Chapter 3: Getting Home

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(A/N) Hey hope you like this chapter! Sorry it is late. Remember Mom is workaholic, Dad is drunk in the story.

(Y/n) PoV

Walking up the driveway, I hear my father yelling at mom for more beer. I grabbed my key from my bag and opened the door, seeing my mother on the ground with a broken beer bottle next to her head. "Clean up this mess and put her in bed!" my father yelled. "No! This is the last time that you hurt any of us!" running into the kitchen grabbing a knife I stabbed him in the stomach and cut his neck open, then grabbed his organs and places them around the room like Jack the Ripper did on a documentary I saw. "Mom are you ok? Mom? MOM!" She had no pulse. Getting out my cell phone I called 911. "Hello, what is your emergency?" "Can you help me my mom is dead and so is my father, please hurry." "Ok, what is your street address?" "8176 Impala Drive" 

Time Skip 58 minutes from Dean's Pie

I was sitting in an ambulance with a shock blanket around me. A boy with a black and white scarf came up to me and asked if I was ok. "Yeah, what's it to you?"  "I just can't stand seeing someone with so much grief on their face. It's just not right." "I'm used to it. What is your name?" "You ask a lot of questions. It's Liu/Sully" (said at same time)  "Wait what?" "Liu" "And I am (Y/n)."  

(A/N) Sorry this chapter was short i couldn't think because of writers block so..... Also sorry for the cliffhanger.

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