Dancing Through The Day

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I looked down at my phone as Aftertaste by Shawn Mendes played to see that Marcus was calling. I checked the time 9 o'clock he is just getting off of work. I answered quickly and went outside to the back garden. Were the stage that is influenced by ancient Greek architecture, I then plugged my Ipod into the speaker, and put Marcus on speaker phone.

Music has always calm me down and helped me think and right now that's what I needed. I sat there talk to Marcus and listening to music for I don't even know how long when I saw a figure making their way through the garden. To say I was spooked is an understatement, but then Mark stepped out. At the sight of him my nerves calmed a bit but how did he get here? How did he find it? Mark didn't seem to notice me so I thought maybe if I dont let him know I'm here he will leave. The only problem is that means I have to hang up without saying good bye. I though for a moment and then hung up and sent Marcus a quick text:

What happen? Why did you hang up?

I have to get ready for a meeting, but I'll call you afterwards. Love you
I pressed send and ran off to my room, it wasn't a complete lie I do have a meeting to get ready for. Plus a rehearsal.
I quickly ran to my bathroom, and jumped in the shower. After I washed up, I throw on some light washed jeans, a long sleeve turquoise shirt, combat boots, and some jewelry. Following I grabbed my duffle bag that says Panthers on it. I neatly folded my light blue poodle skirt, white collared shirt, and paddy coat then put them in my bag. I then went down to the laundry room to grab my bobby socks and matching light blue scarf. Once I found those I neatly put them into the bag, then grabbed my saddled shoes, cat eye glasses and make up & hair supplies throwing them all into the bag. I then put my hair into a loose braid grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.
Lilly was sitting on the couch with Justin and Kevin watching TV. As I entered the room Lilly looked up with a smile and said, " Hey Kinze, Justin and Kevin are sick so Cole will be taking you to your meeting and the rehearsal. Ok?"
"Yeah sure, where is he?" I replied with a smile.
"In his room getting ready, he should be down any minute now."
I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and a banana. When I walked back in to the living room Cole came running down the steps with his keys. "Alright you ready to go?", he asked "Yeah let's go", I replied while picking up my bag and walking out the door. I walked to the car and threw my bag in the back then jumped in the front sit. We pulled out and headed towards the school, with Candy Rain by Soul 4 Real playing lightly in the background. I started to sing along and so did Cole. I looked at him and he had a small smile on his face. So small that you would miss it if you didn't pay attention to detail. As the song ended his smile faded, and he turned off the radio. We rode in silence till we got to the school. I looked up at Cole as we pulled in, and it seemed as though he was gonna cry. At the sight of this I decided to comfort him so I crawled into his lap and wrapped my arms around his torso, embracing him in a hug. At first Cole tensed up but soon relaxed and hugged back.
"Cole... what's wrong?" I asked looking up at him.
He looked down at me and sighed, " My mom loved Soul 4 Real and Candy Rain was her favorite song."
I didn't push any further out of respect. When my parents died I hated how people tried to push to get information out of me, and I understand it's hard to talk about.
We sat there in silence for a while till Cole spoke up reminding me why we were here. I crawled out of his lap and got out of the car running with Cole to the elevator. We went to the 8th floor and to room 831 for the meeting.
We walked in and two women were sitting at the table. I walked over to the table and they stood. "Hello I'm Kim and this is Mrs. Natilye", said a tall, skinny woman with her hand starched out to shake mine. I shook her hand with a firm grip and turn to Mrs.Natilye and did the same. Then I said, "hello I'm Kine and this is my foster brother Cole. I'm sorry but my foster mother can't make it today due to some of the siblings being sick."
"That's perfectly fine. So tell me why do you want to be in our program?"
"I feel that it will be a great way to make sure I achieve my goals."
"Well alright that will be it, nice meeting you."
with that we got up and walked out the building. We got in the car and Cole turned on the radio while heading to the high school. When we got there we jumped out, i ribbed my bag, running to the bathroom to change. After I changed I throw my hair in to a curly ponytail with a scarf tied in to it. Then quickly did some stage make-up very lightly.
As I ran on stage I was putting my shoe on when I got to my spot I froze like a statue, ready for practice.

So hey guys I know updates are really slow, but bear with me. I do have a plan for this book, and I do have some other chapters done already. It's just taking some time to edit and review them. I'm on summer break right now but I still have football training and practice, alongside work almost everyday. So thank you for your patience. Ya'll are the best.

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