How? & Why?

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Once we got to school we went to Lilly's office, to see what we do with Justin. Turns out she wants me to watch Justin for the day. So I guess he's with me all day. I pick up his carrier and bag, then headed out the door for my locker.
I put Justin's bag in my locker grabbed my books, some wipes, and diapers stuffing them in to my backpack. I turned to see Jorge at his locker, I grabbed Justin and walked over to him.
"Hey Kinze what's up?"
"Nothing really besides the fact Lilly is have me watch Justin today."
"So you have to go straight home today?" he asked not noticing the baby carrier in my hands yet.
"Not really I have to watch him like now.", I say look down at Justin.
"Aww can I hold him?"
"Yeah sure"
Just then the bell rang, letting us know we have 5 minutes till class starts. We made our way to math. When we got there I went to talk to the teacher, and explain that Lilly is having me watch Justin today. He called Lilly just to double check and talk this over I guess.
He then hung up and started class.
In the middle of class Jorge told me that Justin was asleep. I looked down and sure enough he was there peacefully sleeping, I put his little blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold and turned back to the lesson.
The bell rang ending class, and waking up Justin. I asked Jorge to hold the carrier, so I could hold Justin himself. I walked to science while rocking Justin in my arms. With Jorge beside me. Jorge sat the carrier down beside my seat and went to his class. He has gym this hour. I soon got Justin to calm down, so I could watch the video.
When the class was over I had Spanish class, with Jorge, and Max. When I walked in the bell rang and it woke Justin up, and he started to crying. Ms.Lines picked him up and started singing a song in Spanish, and surprisingly Justin calmed down and stopped crying. "How did you do that?", Max and I asked at the same time.
"Well he hasn't learned a how to speak yet so he can partly understand all languages.", she answered.
" that's so cool."
" any who let's start class"

By the time lunch had arrived I was just glad not to have to sit in class with Justin. I took him to the bathroom and changed his diaper. Following that I went to Lilly's office to grab a jar of Justin's baby food. I then went to the lunch room, and sat at my normal table. A little while later the boys came and sat down. "That's where Justin was this morning ", Maurice said.
" well Lilly told me that I'm watching him today."
"Can I see my brother?", Luke asked not looking at me.
"Sure under one condition"
"What would that be?", he asked looking down.
"From now on whenever you talk to me, you look at me."
"Alright", he says looking at me this time.
I then handed Justin to him with a smile. I turned to Nick, "hey Nick you gonna do any sports?"
"Yes", he replied with out looking at me.
"Really what?"
He turns to face me, "That's for me to know and you not to know", he says angrily.
"You dont", Jorge started till I cut him off,
"Jorge it's ok just leave him alone."
It looked like Cole was about to say something when the bell rang, I grabbed my bag, and watched as Luke put the now sleeping Justin in his carrier. I picked it up, but Luke took it from me, " you've been carrying him all day let me carry him.", he said looking up at me, we're I'm a few inches taller then him. We walked to class with Maurice, and Jorge.

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