Matt Has Settled

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Stupid math, stupid Mr.Doncan. Right now I'm sitting in my room trying to do this stupid homework. Key word trying,and I've been trying for 2 hours now. I logged off IXL, and closed my laptop with a sigh. Checking the time on my phone I see its 5:15 dinners at 6, I got up and went to Matt's room. I went to knock but the door was open so I just walked in. Matt was sit at his desk back to me so I jumped on him from behind. Matt swing around and looked at me. "Oh hey Kinze what's up?", he asked.
"Nothing really I see you've unpacked", I say while looking around the room. He had pictures of him and his brothers, him and I guess his friends. Trophy from many years of football and basketball.. Next to the dresser sat 3 blue crates, and 2 orange crates, with notebooks, and a wide variety of books. I looked down to see what he was doing, there was a notebook much like the others sitting on his desk." were you writing?", I ask.
"What no", he rushes out.
"Ok then what's the notebook for?", I ask.
"Nothing Kinze, ok did you want something? ", he ask me turning and looking at me."Well I'm having a hard time with my math homework. Could you possibly help me?", I say look up at him.
"Sure go get it"
I ran to my room grabbed my laptop, checked the time 5:20, and ran back to Matt's. When I entered he was on the phone. "I don't care Ok I'm on the other side of the country now, you'd think she could take a hint and leave me alone."
He hung up with a sigh, "I thought you were getting your homework, not your laptop." he said look at me.
"I did my homework is on IXL"
"Ok, let's see what your working on"
We work together, completing it in 20 minutes. " Dinner should be done in a few want to go down and get a sit?" I ask.
"Yeah sure"
We walked to the hall stopping to get Cole, and baby Justin. Then head down stairs.

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