Dont Put me in This Position

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Kaleb left yesterday thank God. I love him a ton but after our little fight he has been really cling. But I don't blame him he's just trying to make sure he is a good brother. I don't know to be honest, and I don't care.
Life has been slow since Kaleb left. School has been hell, Maddie and Hannah have been stuck on the idea that me and Ben are going to happen. It won't happen. May be James and Hannah would happen. But me and Ben not at all.

Any ways right now I'm sitting in math "taking notes" on my school laptop, the thing is though I do not need to I know every thing , the only reason I'm in algebra 1 is because when I was in the group home we were home schooled and you didn't start school until you were at least 7.  Due to this when Kaleb and I moved in with Lilly we had already fell behind a year. Lilly end up get us both a tutor so we could catch up and not fall farther behind.  Now here I'm a freshmen and I already know everything and if Lilly would listen to me be graduating next year.

Math is super easy all you have to do is listen and do your IXL assignments, to pass.

When the final bell rang I rushed out of class, didn't even bother going to my locker, I wasn't about to be in the building any longer then I had to be. I got outside and saw that the JFK study center was handing out ice cream, so I decided why not and went to get some. The study center is not owned by the school at all, but it is next door to the school. The study center is a house that a couple bought, and opened up to the students at JFK. They are open four days a week, and we get free range of the house, including the kitchen.  The thing is we don't even use it to do any studying, we use it as a hang out spot. 

After what seemed like two hours of waiting, but really was only 20 minutes I got my ice cream, and walked over to Marcus.  He had walked to school today so we walked to the park. It's not huge but it's a good size park consisting of two swing sets with 10 swing total, two full size basketball courts, a tunnel slide and three regular slides. The park also house a monkey bar set, and a jungle gym.

 We stayed there and swung for a bit, and climbed the wall. Quickly we both got bored and start to walk around. With no place in particular in mind. We walked in a comfortable silence for a while. I look at Marcus and could tell he had something on his mind.
"What's on your mind?", I asked stopping to look at him.
" Kinze why are you my friend?"
"Because you're a cool person to be around, you light up a from when you walk in, and your personality in general is outstanding."
"Kinze you're amazing truly are, and I like you a lot. I've liked you since day one."
" I've liked you for a while too."
"OK so say yes to what I'm about to ask you." he said while stopping and picking me up.
"What question?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
" can you tell me why you like me?"
He pulled me in to his chest and looked me in the eyes before answering, " you make me smile, you're tough, you like to be considered one of the guys, you can throw one hell of a mean hit, you're smart, short, funny, beautiful, creative, always wants what's best for others, you always put others before yourself."
" what about Harper? "
"We broke up."
"OK but I don't think I can do that to her."
"Do what?"
"Date her ex that she still has feelings for"
" OK I get it, just think about it. Ok?"
"I'll let you know in 24 hours"

With that i turned and started walking home with so much on my head. I had so much to think about after all.  Should I say yes?  I mean Harper hasn't been very layol to him after all. But I mean what will her reaction be? How would we tell her? What will we do if she doesn't take it well? but she does have her other boyfriends right? After think for a long time i deiced that.......

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