Dating Tips

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I have been searching the deep depths of the internet to find you some tips that real people have sent in on a website called Cosmopolitan (I think). Enjoy!

01: Don't over research- "Girls should try to avoid pre-judging before a first date. Whether it's someone you're meeting online or it's someone your friends know, aim to drop the things you know about them and start fresh. Don't ask your friends to tell you everything they can because you can end up with a tainted view of what to expect. Half the fun of going out is getting to know someone new, so allow yourself to let that happen organically." —Oliver B.

02: Offer to pay- "I always appreciate the offer to split the check, even though I never allow it. If we end up grabbing drinks later and a woman insists on paying, I really like that a lot. It shows me that she's genuinely interested in spending time with me as opposed to wanting to be wined and dined regardless of who she's with." —Nate N.

03: Eat what you want to-"The food you choose on dates says volumes about your character. Dainty foods (read: salads) seem to have a low correlation to fun and enjoyment. First few dates, make the food good, simple and completely forgettable so you can focus on each other." —Max S.

04: Be honest- "Say what you mean. Girls have this tendency of expecting guys to read between the lines, then ending up disappointed. If you want something, be specific and avoid causing yourself unnecessary stress. We're usually pretty open to new ideas." —Adrian B.

05: Don't hate on other girls- "Don't hate on other girls. I actually had one girl, while we were in the middle of a conversation, look over at another girl and say, 'Eww, look at that girl's dress.' The way she said it sounded so bitchy and I wasn't into it at all. Cattiness isn't an attractive quality." —Nick L.

I hope that helped at least a little bit with your dating life! 

A/N Sorry i haven't updated in a few days, i have been at a sleepover and had no wifi. Im going to be going back to old chapters and editing/adding more information on to them so sorry if you get lots of notifications.

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