Helpful Tips For Life

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This chapter is going to have 5 helpful tips about what you can do to live a happier life.

01: Don't worry about what people think of you- Bring different is fine and if other people don't like it then get them out of your life! By not caring about how other people think of your self image, you will become happier with your self.

02: Make rules for yourself- Instead of reading this list and saying "these are good ideas" make them into rules until they become a healthy habit. Then you will be able to live a happier life.

03: Smile more often- Whenever you smile your brain is releases a "happy hormone" which will obviously make you happy after smiling for a while. Try smiling for 5 minutes in the morning, it will give your day a happy boost.

04: Keep a journal or diary- This may sound cheesy or childish but keeping a journal or diary it helps you focus and keep track of your thoughts. Also it is a bit fun to read about what you used to think about or what your favourite bands were.

05: Cut out the rubbish- There are many people/things in our life that we need to get rid of. We all tend to hold on to this but if we cut it out of our life we will be much happier and free.

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