Accident or not...

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Hello! I'm at a beach house!!! Haha I don't really have much time to write, but I am going to anyway! I'm a rebel.... Lol nah... Anyway, enjoy! Sorry for the mistakes!

(Liam's POV)

"Li, get up!" Louis says

"Jfhjdjdhdjdj" I mumble into my pillow

"Now Li, unless you want a sore bum." He said sternly giving me a warning smack

That got me up! I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I quickly took a shower and got dressed, then I met Lou and Harry in the living room. They were watching soccer.

"Hi lads!" I said

"Hello" Lou said

"Hey" Harry said

I sat on the couch next to them. We watched tv for a while until Zayn came in and told Lou that he and Niall were going to the mall. Of course Lou being Lou, he went with them and me and Harry stayed home

"Hey Harry lets go play Soccer outside!" I said

"Yeah!" He agreed

We were playing when I kicked the ball and instead of it going into his goal it flew right into his face!

"Ow! Li!" He yelled

"Oh my god Harry, I'm so sorry I didn't know it was gonna hit you! I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me! Do you need some thing ice pack or-" my rambling was cut off by Harry.

"Li, calm down its okay I know it was an accident. Can you please go give me an ice pack? He asked

"Okay is that all?" I asked

"Yeah" he answered

I went into the kitchen and retrieved an ice pack from the freezer and then went back into the living room where Harry was. I gently put it over his eye, where there was a bruise forming.

"Ahh ow...cold" he hissed

"I'm so sorry Harry!" I said my eyes getting watery

"It's okay Li, I know that you didn't mean it." He told me

"I know but-" I was cut of by the door opening

"It's okay I'll go up to my room and put some shades on, I really don't want you to get in trouble." Harry said

"No it's okay. It was an accident, but I have to be honest with everyone, maybe Louis and Zayn won't be too mad since I told the truth...?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Liam, Harry can you- Harry! Oh my god! What happened!?!" Louis asked

"Well, um you see-" I cut Harry of with

"We were playing soccer and I accidentally hit him in the face." I confessed

"So this was an accident?" Lou asked

"Yes!" Me and Harry quickly replied

He sighs before saying Harry, continue icing your eye and Liam go up to your room please.

I quickly went up to my room and say on my bed waiting for further instructions. Sooner than I wanted Louis and Zayn came in my room.

"Look Liam, I know that this was an accident, but you should have been more carefull, understand?" He asked

"Yes sir." I said looking down

"Okay, now for being honest, you only get 35 on your boxers with my hand, okay?" Louis says

"Okay." I sniffled

He gently placed me over his lap and started.


He started lecturing between smacks, SMACK SMACK I know SMACK SMACK that this SMACK was an accident SMACK but you need SMACK SMACK to be SMACK more carefull SMACK am I SMACK SMACK understood?

"Yes sir!" I cried


"Ah please stop I'm sorry!" I begged

"6 more" Louis said


Those were the hardest all on my sit spots.

"ow.." I said

He picked me up and cuddled with me on the bed for a while. We sat in silence until I broke it by saying,

"Louis?" I asked

"Yeah?" He said

"My bum hurts..." I explained

He just laughed and said, "I know, but lesson learned right?"

"Yes!" I quickly replied

"Haha okay come on let's go check on Haz." He said

"Okay!" I said

We went downstairs to the living room where Haz and Zayn were cuddling. Haz had a black eye.

"Haz, I'm soooo sorry!" Said while jumping on him and Zayn.

"Haha it's okay LiLi!" He said

"Yup all good, now can you get off me!" Zayn said

We all laughed and that's how our day went, and for dinner, Niall's choice of course, we went to Nando's!

-Hello!!!! Well first I wanna say, THANKYOU!!! For all the reads and votes! Haha I never thought I'd get a hundred reads, let alone this many! You guys are the best and I love you all, please please please, leave a comment I absolutely love feedback!!! Until next time my lovely unicorns! 😘

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