Obstacle Sixteen: Everest

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The damn quarter pipe.

Holy crap.

I did this obstacle last year. I ran up it, got caught and pulled the rest of the way up. It was wonderful.

This year..... too many people trying at once. This is another obstacle that makes me glad that I know how to fall and slide. I pulled off some AWESOME looking skid down and suddenly back on my feet falls. It was cool looking and I knew that by the way people clapped :P I got kicked in the face after my fourth attempt up though and decided I was going to walk around the damn thing.

My fiancé's height made it easy to reach the hands of those helping, his weight however, made it so that no one could actually pull him up. He also walked around it.

My brother tried a few more times but there were 200 people trying at once almost. He has a terrible judge of distance and kept jumping too soon so he'd not even come close. In the end, he walked around too.

I wish we had just taken the space to do the shoulder ladder, where we each stand on the other's shoulder and push someone to the top, who then helps pull the rest up. But hind sight is 20-20. Next time it'll be different.

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