Obstacle Two: Arctic Enema

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The mud did little to slow us up, and we marched on to towards the next obstacle, a short distance away. The mud smelled rather fresh and farm-like, which those of you in the countryside will understand. The course itself was at an anchorage in and around an airport hangar and landing strip for small aircraft so that smell was likely just wet clay. But still....

We were all covered in it, faces, hands, bellies and knees covered in muck so when we reached the next obstacle, we were all quite grateful. It was the ice bath, also known as the arctic enema. A cargo container filled with water and ice.

The three of us climbed up to the edge of it, jumped in and swam to the middle partition, a plank of wood with barbed wire over it, just to ensure that each and everyone of us dove under it to get to the other side.

I've actually jumped into ice water during a polar bear swim and this was not that cold. Although I did grab a handful of floating ice along my scrambles to get back out of it.

Once on the other side, we all shook off the cold (my brother said it wasn't cold at all, my fiancé took a moment to try and find his testicles again) and then we walked on some more.

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