Miss Missing You

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Pete stayed home, locked away in his room. All he wanted to do was cry and rot in his bed- at least he'd be with Patrick.

He blamed himself for this- but something in the back of his mind definitely opposed this. But them again, all of this started with the death of his son. So sure.

This was Pete's fault.

But then again, he couldn't control the chain of events that came after, no one could. He wished he could've. If he could've, he would've done everything in his power to stop it. But no one can- it's impossible. So no.

This wasn't Pete's fault.

This battle fought in his head since Patrick first died. It had only been 3 days. He still ate normally, Meagan brought him food and water, and he only ever left to use the bathroom- even so it was only for emergencies.

"Hey. I made your favorite, sweetie." Meagan said softly, walking in their bedroom with a plate and a glass. Pete sat up, his tear stained face slightly less puffy.

"Thanks, Meagan...." He said quietly. Meagan nodded, sitting next to him and wrapping her arm around him.

"I know it's hard, Pete.... But he wouldn't want you to cry over him like this." She said softly. Pete nodded. He knew Patrick wouldn't like that his death held Pete back. But he couldn't help it.

"I just-.... I miss him.... Nothing's gonna be the same.... We can't even have th-the band anymore," Pete said, rubbing his eyes and leaning into Meagan.

"I know. It's okay," she said, "he went down in history. And you know what?" A smile appeared on her face, "he'll be remembered for Centuries to pass.... That's a promise," Pete chuckled slightly as she pulled him closer.

"Did you really just make my lyrics a pun?" He said, a small smile making its way to his lips. Meagan smiled wider.

"He certainly saved rock and roll...."

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