The Mighty Fall

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Megan smiled at Patrick, running her fingers through her hair. Patrick looked over to his parents, who were also crying and worried.

"So when- uhm, when do you start chemo?" Patrick asked.

"A week," Megan sighed. "I don't- hey, you okay Patrick?" She asked, for Patrick seemed too spacey to her. Patrick shook his head as to clear it and nodded.

"Yeah, there's just- *sigh* a lot going on. He said sadly. Megan took his hand in hers and smiled.

"You wanna talk about it?" Patrick smiled back at her and say down, beginning to explain the past few days as his parents and his brother went to get something to eat. Pete sat down and added on bits and pieces onto Patrick's story as he told it.

"-and now you have cancer, and Elisa called me saying that Declan's awake, but I need to be here with you right now, so I can't be there with him." Patrick sighed once he finished, Megan showing full sympathy for him.

"Go to him," Megan said simply. Patrick looked up at her. "Declan needs you. I'll be here, always, but Declan needs you now. I'm a big girl, plus mom and dad are here."

Patrick smiled. "Are you sure?" He asked. Megan nodded and Patrick hugged her once more. "Thank you, please don't let anything go wrong." Megan nodded again, smiling and shooing him away to go see Declan.

"Thank you, Megan. I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" Patrick promised.

"Okay! Tell me how it goes, okay?"

"Okay! Love you!" Patrick called as he left, Pete following close behind. They walked back out to Patrick's car, the traffic almost not there.

On the way back to the Chicago hospital, nothing happened. Patrick and Pete just talked happily amongst themselves, barely another car on the street. It was when the radio spontaneously shut off that Patrick realized it was a little too quiet. Especially for Chicago. And it was a beautiful day, but no people were buzzing around or anything.

Patrick stopped at a red light, no other cars around them. He glanced at Pete, and Pete nodded. Patrick's phone rang, scaring them both. Patrick slipped his phone out of his pocket.

"Who is it?" Pete asked anxiously. Patrick shook his head.

"Private number." He looked up at Pete, who nodded, and he hit accept. "Hello?" Patrick answered, putting the caller on speaker.

"Is this Patrick Stump?" The voice asked. It sounded like a teen boy, and he seemed rushed.

"Who's asking?" Patrick asked as the light turned green. He ignored it, for no other cars were around for him to have to move.

"Uhm, I'm one of your fans, and I know it's you. I recognize that voice anywhere. Anyway, my name's Jake, and I was told that there's a warrant out for your arrest." Patrick's jaw dropped.

"WHAT!?" Pete and Patrick asked simultaneously.

"Yeah, my dad's a cop, and he said someone saw you beating up an old man. I refuse to believe this, Patrick. Tell me it's not true!" Jake explained.

"Okay, it's not true, I swear! Where are you, Jake?" Patrick asked. Jake sighed with relief on the other end.

"I dunno, there are no cars arou- wait, I see one silver car out there. It's just sitting there at a green li-"

"That's me, Jake." Patrick interrupted. Jake gasped and dropped the phone, quickly picking it back up.

"Patrick, you need to hide! Or at least find my dad! He's asking the man some questions, but you need to go find him!" Jake said. Patrick nodded.

"Thanks, Jake. How'd you get ahold of me?" Patrick asked. Jake hummed in response.

"Meh, my mom is one of the supervisors for Panic! At The Disco an had your number. She's a big fan of you, too, so she told me to give you a call. Oh- here she is." Jake handed the phone to his mom.

"Patrick?" Patrick smirked at Pete.

"Hello," Patrick said blankly.

"Oh my god, hi! Thank you, Jake, go upstairs honey- can you stop in for a moment?" Patrick could tell she wasn't just fangirling.

"Absolutely. Which house is it?" Patrick asked.

"Three houses down from where you are and to the left." She said, hanging up promptly afterward. Patrick drove forward and stopped by where her house was, not needing to ring the doorbell.

"Inside, now!" The lady pulled Patrick and Pete inside and slammed the door shut. "My husband's out for your arrest, Patrick. I can't let that happen, and I know it's not you! My name's Michelle, you've already talked to my son." Jake waved from behind his mom. Patrick waved back.

"*gasp* Shit, dad's back!" Jake gasped. Michelle nearly screamed, stepping in front of the door.

"No, Michelle," Patrick said softy. "Let me handle this." Michelle looked to Pete, and Pete just nodded. She stepped away, her husband opening the door and talking immediately.

"Honey, I talked to the old man and he's proven Patri-" he stopped as he saw Patrick and Pete, staring at them in awe.

"M-Mr. Stump, I- what are you doing here?" He asked. Patrick shrugged.

"Your wife was just making sure you didn't arrest me, but if I'm being arrested, so be it. I'll just have to prove my innocence." Patrick said a little too casually for the situation.

Jake's dad shook his head. "No, no. I just talked to the man with my coworker and he proved you innocent. To think, I was gonna arrest a superstar. I'm Neil." He extended his hand, and Patrick shook it, his body relaxing.

"Well that's one less thing to worry about." Pete pitched in. Jake looked confused.

"Anything wrong?" He asked. Patrick closed his eyes, fighting back the tears as he replayed every wrong scene in his head from the past few days.

"No, but I should probably get Patrick home to his wife. She's probably worried." Pete said, heading towards the door. "Thank you for warning us, and for not arresting us," Pete winked at the officer who smiled back.

"Don't mention it. Stay safe, it's a little eerie out there." Michelle called. Pete lead Patrick back out to the car.

"Do you want me to drive? Or...." Pete asked. Patrick shook his head.

"No, I've got it." He said quietly. He sat down and started the car, quickly driving away.

Before Patrick even knew it he was back in Chicago Hospital, his wife and son with him.

"Guess who's here, baby?" Elisa said as she saw Patrick through the door. Declan gasped as Patrick walked in slowly.

"Daddy!" He called, Patrick coming in all the way and closing the door behind him.

"Hey, buddy! How you doing?" Patrick said, ruffling Declan's hair. Declan giggled.

"I don' like de thingies," Declan said, gesturing to all the machines around him. Patrick nodded.

"Yeah, they're weird, huh? I'm so happy to see you," Patrick hugged Declan, Declan returning the hug with a squeeze. Patrick felt a tear run down his cheek as he smiled. "Love you, kid. You know I'll always come back for you. Always."

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