Light 'Em Up

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Patrick was snapped into reality again as the cars honked behind him. He swerved back onto the road, his goal setting on his sister again.

"You okay, Trick?" Pete asked. Patrick nodded, then halted.

"You know what, no. I'm not." Patrick choked out. Pete could see the tears swelling up in his eyes as he drove on. He sighed heavily.

"Patrick, let it out. Just say everything on your mind." The tears instantly started flowing and Patrick didn't try to stop them.

"My son is in the hospital, my wife is with him and I can't see her, your son is dead, Andy and Joe are fighting, my sister has cancer and my life is just so fucked u-up!" Patrick cried. Pete placed his hand gently on Patrick's shoulder as they slowed on a red light.

"It's okay, Trick. What happens in this car stays in this car. I won't tell a soul." Pete reassured him. That just made Patrick cry harder into his sleeves. "I know it's a lot to take on, but you're strong. I know you can push through." Pete said softly.

"I hate it when you see me like thi-is, ah!" Patrick cried, taking off his glasses and setting them aside. Pete rubbed his back, shushing him as best he could and guiding him through the road while he had his glasses off.

Patrick pulled into the parking lot of the hospital his sister was at, rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning.

"I've been at hospitals t-too much lately," Patrick sniffed. He was getting sick just looking at it. He sighed and got out of the car, heading over to Pete and linking their arms together. Pete glanced at Patrick before rolling with it, guiding his friend in.

What Patrick didn't know was that Pete hurt too, but seeing Patrick like this hurt worse than anything. Patrick headed up to the counter, asking for his sister and sitting down to wait.

"Someone will be with you momentarily," The lady said perkily. Patrick nodded and sat down, exhausted and upset. Patrick pondered on why all of this was happening at once and why it was happening to him.

All of the sudden his phone buzzed, and he pulled it out of his pocket.

Elisa: can you get here?
Patrick: no, I'm out of town
Elisa: why?
Patrick: my sister has cancer now and we almost crashed on the way here.
Elisa: oh my god.
Elisa: wait, we?
Patrick: Pete is here
Elisa: okay. Stay safe honey. Declan is awake now.
Patrick: please take care of him and love him enough for both of us.
Elisa: of course. Love you
Patrick: love you too

Patrick locked his phone and sighed. He wanted to be with his son, but his sister needed him where he was. It was a hard decision to make, your sister or your son.

"Everything good?" Pete asked. He knew it was a stupid question. Patrick nodded.

"Declan's awake." He said quietly. Pete smiled and rubbed Patrick's back again. Patrick took off his fedora, staring down at it as it rested in his lap. It kind of signified his life, at this point. He wore it everywhere. Without it on it just looked.... Empty. Plain, and with no importance. Kind of how Patrick felt as a brother, a friend, and a father. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, landing on the edge of his fedora.

"Here for Megan Stump?" Patrick flicked his head up, rubbing his eyes and placing his fedora gingerly back on his head. He glanced at Pete, who stood and gestured for him to follow. Patrick obeyed, following the doctor past several rooms. He opened the door on one of them to reveal his mom, dad, and brother standing over his sister.

His sister smiled from the bed. "Patrick," she gasped. Patrick broke down, rushing forward and hugging her like there was no tomorrow. Megan chuckled slightly, hugging him back. "How's my superstar brother?" She asked. Patrick lifted his head, smiling at her as she wiped away his tears.

"You haven't changed a bit, Megan."

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