Chapter Four

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 Nearly a moon had slowly passed since Sagestar had made her clan. A thunderpath had been made between her clan and Stoneclan, but thankfully the other clan had found a safe passing, with a hole that was made underneath. Four more cats had joined since the pass moon, and one of them were expecting kits.

Sagestar was resting on top of her den, which was a fallen tree. She and the other leaders were sent dreams each night, in teachings of certain things. So far her and the others had learned about deputies, ceremonies, and boundries. Soon she would learn about codes.

Sagestar raised an eye when she heard happy squeaking. She noticed Nightbranch was playing with his little sibling, Owlkit. Owlkit was nearly five moons old, and soon would be ready to be made an apprentice. She purred slightly at the scene before sitting up and yawning. She turned and noticed Doepelt padding into camp with Tigerfur and Meadowcloud behind her, each carrying prey. "Good catch!" She called before jumping down. Doepelt ducked her head down, embarassed. "I-It was nothing really, Tigerfur honestly helped make the catch possible." She mewed, giving Tigerfur a greatful glance. The tom shrugged. "I got to the mouse before it could even get to the hole, but I wouldn't of noticed if it hadn't of been for Doepelt." Sagestar's ears tilted backward and she noticed Wolfpelt making her way threw the nursery, her belly swaying under her.

"I'm shocked you're out with being due so soon." Nightbranch commented, glancing up from Owlkit. "I want to be out while the sun is still warm, it feels great. Nothing like in my old twoleg house." She breathed and Nightbranch nodded. Sagestar blinked and watched for a moment longer. She noticed since the queen came, the two were close. "They'd have their own kits in no time." She commented to herself in a purr before turning to the others. "Hope you guys are ready for battle pratice soon! I'm going to let everyone eat but after that we got to head out!" She declared, her eyes bright. The warriors nodded and went to settle down to eat. She grabbed two mice herself before trotting over to the medicine cat den. It was a bunch of brambles surrounding some bushes, but it was wide enough for enough cats to slip inside and feel comfy.

"Salmonleaf, got you lunch!" She called and padded in. It took a moment for her to get used to the darkness, but once she did she noticed Salmonleaf was putting herbs in holes. "Sorry, i was restocking this morning, I wanted to get it all done. Is it sun-high now?" She asked, stepping out of the den. She blinked a couple times. "Wow, I wouldn't of even noticed." She breathed before dipping her head to Sagestar. "Thanks for the mouse." She said before taking it. She settled down outside her den, and Sagestar settled down beside her. After some silence and eating, Salmonleaf spoke. "I won't go to the gathering, with Wolfpelt being so close I don't want her start kitting while i'm not here." She mewed, flicking her tail. "That's fine, and understandable." Sagestar blinking softly to her friend. "With the way it looks, she is going to have about four...such a big litter.." Salmonleaf purred. "I'm glad the clan is growing...but with the whole growing thing, don't you think you should consider getting a deputy soon?" Salmonleaf asked.

Sagestar merely just shrugged. "I won't get one until we get some apprentices, or unless we get a lot of cats to join." She mewed, but then gently placed her tail on her friend's shoulder. "Don't worry, I have it planned." She smiled wide before finishing. "Well, i'm off, going to battle training. Keep an eye on Wolfpelt, and send Nightbranch if there is any trouble." She gently nodded before getting up. She called for the others before padding out of camp.


Sagestar ducked away from the blow Tigerfur threw out. She hissed, it nearly raked her face. "Careful! Claws sheathed!" She reminded him. Tigerfur blinked. "Sorry...I thought I had them sheathed.." He mewed, glancing at Meadowcloud and Doepelt who were doing the same moves. Sagestar signed and shook her head. "You shouldn't hurt your clan mates." Her ears tilted to rustling in the bushes. She turned and noticed Nightbranch jumped out. "Salmonleaf! Wolfpelt!" He panted, lowering his head and wheezing for breath. The other warriors stopped and padded forward. The moment Nightbranch had a breath he spoke. "Wolfpelt is kitting! And some new cats are here to join the clan.." He breathed. Sagestar nodded. "Get back first, all of you." She narrowed her eyes at them and flicked her tail. Each cat raced forward. She soon followed.

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