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 Bitter, wet, and dimming. If one had to use three words to describe the "planet" on that day, those would be the ones. The First Order was harnessing the power of the planet's sun, pulling it slowly into oblivion to use it in the destruction of the Resistance.

Light had surely been fading away bit by bit. The superweapon the First Order had constructed was enough to obliterate entire systems. And now, that enormous amount of power was being focused at one location. During this time, several Resistance pilots had tried with all their power to halt the destruction of their precious base that was galaxies away, shooting relentlessly at the weapon to try to find a chink in its armor, but now, they had succeeded.

Thanks to help from a certain Wookie, the planet was rendered useless, making it impossible to launch the weapon. The air had gotten even colder with the sun going out, which didn't help much, considering the fact that Starkiller Base was an ice planet.

Tiny white snowflakes had started falling. The temperature dropped at least forty degrees in mere minutes, and the snow melting around the burning weapons Rey and Kylo Ren were carrying made the situation ten times less endurable.

The fiery hot lightsabers the two of them held struck tree branches that fell down into the burning core of the planet, adding to the chaos they were experiencing. Every snow pile they stepped in was a risk of their lives with the planet shattering all around them. The next twig that fell, or one wrong step, could very well mean an end to one's story.

Soon, Rey found herself standing over an edge. The ground had given way, and the heat from the planet's core was wafting up into the cold, dark night. It was subtle, but the warmth could be felt by Rey, who was struggling not to fall off the edge. Kylo Ren had her cornered.

"You need a teacher!" The man shouted at her over the roaring of the planet decaying. "I could show you the ways of the Force!"

Hesitantly, Rey thought his words over in her head. "The Force?" she asked out loud. The scavenger girl looked up at the figure clothed in black in front of her. "Is that what I can feel?"

Ren slowly nodded, unsure of what she would do next. He knew, at the least, that the planet had about twenty seconds until full implosion. They needed to wrap this up, and fast. He could feel Rey's force on his lightsaber reluctantly lightening up. Confused, he searched her eyes, trying to predict her next action. He did likewise, until the two of them had eventually sheathed their weapons. Ren thought for a moment, and then held out his hand.

Rey looked at him skeptically, and then reached out to take it. Suddenly, the roaring sound of the planet around them grew deafening. Rey sensed from the Force a millisecond before that she was not on steady ground. She tried to move to safety, but the soil gave way underneath her. A gasp hitched in her throat as she shut her eyes and prepared for the worst. 

But oddly, she wasn't falling anymore. The girl thought that perhaps she had already died, and was at peace. Reluctantly, she opened one eye, and found that a black-gloved hand was holding her by the wrist. She opened both eyes, and saw a sliver of a black figure connected to the hand trying to pull her back from the edge of the planet's floor.

Rey struggled to reach the edge with her other hand and assisted in pulling herself up. She felt the urge to lie down on the ground and take a breather for a second, but there wasn't anytime for that. Despite the time crunch, she looked into Kylo Ren's eyes once again, astounded. "You . . . you saved me . . . ?" she asked in disbelief.

Her savior returned her glance with an intense stare. After a moment of contemplation, he responded, "Well, you can't go off dying before I have the chance to kill you," as if it was an old inside joke between the two of them.

A light that Rey knew as none other than the Millennium Falcon flickered unstably through the trees. They had seconds before Starkiller Base imploded into oblivion. She looked towards Finn lying on the snow covered ground, unconscious, then back up to Ren. With luck, Chewie hadn't seen the two of them in the forest yet. "If I come with you," she yelled over the roar of the crumbling "planet" around them, "can you promise that Finn will make it onto that ship safely?" Rey gestured to the Millennium Falcon.

The man peered at the ship, and thought it over. He could easily move the figure. He'd demonstrated  that he could do that multiple times with the woman standing in front of him, even launching her back at a tree in what felt like an eternity ago, but was only mere minutes. He'd honestly felt that he might have overreacted at that time. He had to show her that he could be trusted, even if he couldn't. "Alright. But be ready to move quickly. This planet is ready to go," he warned.

Using the Force, Kylo Ren raised Finn's limp body, and set him in the ship. "You will leave the planet. You could not find the girl," he mumbled, filling the wookie's head with the thought.

Chewie shook his head and reluctantly pulled the Millennium Falcon up, warping into the night. 

Instantly, Ren turned to Rey and pointed the opposite way. "Go, now!"

Rey followed the path he had gestured to and started running. She could hear his footsteps right behind her. This was where things would get interesting.

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