Chapter Twenty-Six

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The wait seemed to go on forever. Nikoli kept staring at the clock. She was in surgery. Three hours. She'd been in surgery for three hours with no word. The nurse said the doctor would come out as soon as they knew anything. Adam had called Lily's mom and his own parents. They were all on their way. Luther had already arranged for a car to meet them at the airport.

His mind kept flashing back to the look in her eyes when she'd seen him with the blonde. It defied words to describe the pain in them. He'd give anything for her not to have seen that. He'd been about ready to call it quits when the door opened. No matter who he was with, he couldn't see anyone but Lily.

She had to be okay. She had to forgive him.

He kept remembering all the laughter they'd shared. The times they'd just lounged on the couch watching horror movies, the debates they'd gotten into over food at one of the endless diners he'd introduced her to. He remembered the way her eyes would go sleepy and darken to a shade of black when desire ruled her. He heard the deep, husky sound of her voice when she gave in to the passion he stirred within her. Mostly, though, he just remembered Lily, the girl who loved her penguin pajamas and her books. God, she loved books. He'd build her own fucking library.

If she'd just live.

He was the biggest fool God ever created. The one person who saw past the front he put up and dug deeper to find the real him, and he'd tossed her out like she was no better than day-old garbage. He'd been given a most precious gift, something that was worth more than all the money he had, worth more than any car he owned, something worth more than his own life...and he'd thrown it away. All because he hadn't been man enough to accept the risk of getting hurt.

And now he was hurting worse than he'd ever hurt, and Lily was fighting for her life. All because he was a foolish bastard.

"Can we go now?"

Nikoli opened his eyes at the familiar whine of Adam's girlfriend's voice. She looked irritated and impatient. She'd come to the hospital less than thirty minutes ago, and already she wanted to leave? Selfish bitch.

"No, we can't leave yet, Sue. Lily's still in surgery."

"Adam, it's not like being here is helping her in any way. Let's go home where we can relax..."

"Relax?" Nikoli exploded. He stood, furious. Sue took a step back. "You really are the most selfish bitch I've ever met."

She gasped and looked to Adam for help.

"You've known Boy Wonder, what, three years or so? He's known Lily all his life. She's his sister, his best friend, a part of his soul. Do you really think he's going to fucking go home and relax while she's in surgery fighting for her life? And why the fuck would you ask him to do that? Other than the fact you're a jealous, selfish she-bitch. Sit your ass down or go home, but do not say one more word about Adam leaving."

He walked back over to his chair and sat. Sue stared at him, her mouth working while she tried to find words to respond. Finally, after a full minute, she turned on Adam. "Are you just going to let him talk to your fiancée like that?"

"If he were still talking to my fiancée, no, I wouldn't, but since you and I are done, then he can talk to you any way he wants."

"What?" she shrieked.

"You are a selfish bitch," Adam told her. "I just ignored it before. But asking me to leave Lily when she needs me? That's going too far. I've put up with your bullshit for a long time, Sue. And honestly, I don't think I love you. I'm not sure I ever did."

"You can't mean that!"

"I do. We're done. Before you make a scene, think of where we are. Most of the football team and everyone who loves Lily is here. You'd best get yourself moving without a fuss."

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