Chapter 7

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The Model & The Popstar: Chapter 7

Ariana's POV:

--"Come on Niall!" I shout as we run down the school hallways.

"I'm trying! I don't do any sports unlike you!" He shouts, obviously out of breath, as he catches up to me. You see, me & Niall just pull the best prank ever on our principal, Mrs. Beotch. Of course, that's not her real name but everyone calls her that. We continue to run till we see..... HER.

"What are you kids doing?" Beotch asks as Niall gulps. I just play it cool so we don't get caught.

"You see Mrs. Beo- I mean, Mrs. Bern...." I start as I can tell Niall is holding back from laughing. "We were just getting something from my locker because we're late for a dinner with my parents." I say cool & calmly.

"Oh, so you two are dating now?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

'No but I wish.' I say in my head but lips say another. "No, no, no! Just as friends. It's both of our families." I say trying to cover it up.

"Hmm.... So you wouldn't mind if I just call them now would you?" She asks with a smirk.

"Nope." I say simply. She narrows her eyes at me.

"Let's go to my office then. I need to do other shit." She says as she motions towards her office. I then start to panic.

"Why don't you just call right here?! I mean, we're in a real hur-" I start to say but are cut off by another teacher.

"Mrs. Bern!" Mr. Taner yells as he runs towards us. As soon as he sees us, he narrows his eyes & slows down. "I see you've found them." He says fixing his glasses.

"What do you mean 'I see you've found them'?" Beotch asks as she narrows her eyes.

"Why don't we look at the little prank they pulled on your office?" Turner says as he grabs Niall & Beotch grabs me. I look at Niall & give him the 'we're-so-fucked' look as he nods. As soon as we get there, Beotch gasps.

"MY OFFICE!" She yells as she looks around. She turns to us with the most pissed off look you can imagine. "First it's the glue on the doorknobs...." She starts to say as me & Niall try to hold back our laughs. "Then it's the spiders in the cafeteria...." She continues to say as me & Niall continue to giggle. "Then it's snakes in the bathrooms!" She yells as she slams her hand down on her desk. "Now? Now you've completely destroyed my office! You're spray painted the walls, shreaded all my papers, & you threw random garbage all over the ground! You may leave Mr. Turner, I got it from here." Beotch says, pointing at the door as Turner leaves. I sigh as does Niall.

"How much is it this time?" I ask, starting to get my wallet out of my purse.

"$10, 000." She says simply. I quickly stop myself as mine & Niall's mouths drop.

"$10, 000?!" We both shout at the same time.

"Yup. Plus two weeks of detention." She says.

"Last time it was only $1, 000!" I shout.

"The price goes up with the more you do." She says making me sigh. I pull out my wallet & write the check dispite Niall's protests. I hand it to her as she smirks in satisfaction.

"You can leave now." She says simply as we leave Beotch's office.--

I quickly jump out of bed as I start breathing heavily. Ever since Niall came back into my life, I've been having weird flashbacks. It reminds me of the good times but then I come back to reality & remember what he did. I sigh & swing my legs over my bed & stretch with a loud yawn. I grab my phone from the night stand & see two new texts. One from Rory & an unknown number. I open up Rory's text first & groan.

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