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Ok in this Chapter We will be Commenting on Youtube Vids
Some Videos I saw on Youtube before 2015 end suuu here yah gu...

Pewds,Madz,Ari,Pp,Ashley,Lovestar,Jade was Seating on a Sofa at ze Left and Sonic,Soup,Cazz,Techno,Asher,Flyyn is at the couch on ze Right and its 9:00 at ze night we got a new Laptop which is Samsug (Samsung why? Cuz ALL OF OUR TECHNOLOGY THINGS IN ZE HOUSE ISH SAMSUNG OUR PHONES,TV,LAPTOP ALL!) And We watched some vids on YouTube

AngelzeWolfy:Hey Watch howtobasic Vids its funny and Its like a simple vid but NOT

DarkHoodedJade:Seems regular... -_-

AngelzeWolfy:You'll see

We watched a vid where how to basic Makes a Krabbypatty
And howtobasic but unexpected things like an egg peanut butter SUPER FUNNY AND I WAS LIKE Omg

PpzeSunsi0tSassy:OMG ITS SUPER FUNNY but a waste of money

Madz:But funny!!!

We laughed sooo hard and Pp ended the vid clicked the Pause button and Dies of laughter


Cazz throw water on meh

PpzeSunshitSassy:Wtf cazz!


TechnoNeon:Lets watch called Lap d..

Pp covers his mouth

PpzeSunshitSassy:I dont wanna watch some Lapdance vids im just 11 (Im 9 in real and....Im just like 11 in Naughty college its a college but all of us r highschoolers accept 4 me) and really gross!

PpzeSunshitSassy:Hey what about My little pony?anyone?

Lovestar:Ugh noo! I HATE THAT

AngelzeWolfy:Pp were not children


RosiezeSassy:Oh my god!

Flyyn:Pp dont play that video!

PpzeSunshitSassy:Too late my friends

I played an My ittle pony Parody Video and its made by a guy whos Drunk I knew that when I read the Description and at the end of the vid we were all dying of laughter


AngelzeWolfy:Poods and the Moon hahahahaha omg


SoupXp:XD Okay another vid A honest trailer thats good

Soup typed in Honest Trailers Star Wars The Force Awakens

We watched it and we were suprised that it isnt even funny welp some of the moments laughed

AngelzeWolfy:Hahahaha... -_- great vid......

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