Regular Nc Life Remembrance of ze Past

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Chapter 4

PpdaStarDemon: I Miss Our old friends..Its been a long time we didnt saw them

PewdszeSassy: Remember All weve been through

AshleydaSadLlama and AsherWuvs :Yup

Insanely Random : Im just new For like Months!

Maddeh: If we leave wc like them Whats our rememberrance for each other...

ArizeWeirdo: And What if Pp is at My age and She'll Forget about us...

Sonicgamer45: We still have kik and Wattpad Right?

Insanely Random : What if we Deleted it??

Karlieboo: Yeah? What if Gadgets Isnt Invented right?

Pp Facepalms (-_-)

AshleydaSadLlama: I miss Naija...

AsherWuvs:and Jimmy Casket

PewdszeSassy: Sally Casket

PpdaStarDemon: Howlina...

Karlieboo:WHOS HOWLINA!?

Pewds and Ari: WE DIDNT MEH HER!

PpdaStarDemon: Shes my first Bestfriend here...

PpdaStarDemon:Until She deleted wc,And Until You guys Showed up...Its a Really long time you know...

All of them looked at eached other acsept Pp

Sonicgamer45:We should really Know more About You Pp..

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