Think About It....

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AshleydaSadLlama :God Dammit,Why do I have to carol to Pewds?

PewdszeSassy:I want some of us to carol! Besides its like
I used to need christmas spirit soo here I am gonna Carol

AshleydaSadLlama:Oh...You gotta be happy while caroling


AshleydaSadLlama:You gotta be happy or else people who
Listens to your song wont give you money well if you have
Money you can get to buy a New Phone! Or something else
Like bike! Think about it! :)

Loreta walks around Ashley and Pewds and Absorbs the
Happiness or the Christmas spirit from Ashley and the device

AshleydaSadLlama:Suddenly I realize I dont want to go carol..

PewdszeSassy:I dont think I can carol...Its meh first time

AshleydaSadLlama:Its Teenagerhood?


Everyone in the college is Talking about Christmas and Giving
Gifts..Thats christmas spirit so the device absorbs it all...

Pp,Ari came from the mall

PpdaStarDemon:Back! Huh?

ArizeWeirdo:What is it?

PpdaStarDemon:look at them .....What happened?

Sonicgamer45:Christmas Spirit is gone...

AsherWuvs:Remove the Christmas tree!

Ari and Pp:WAIT NO!

PpdaStarDemon:Hold on...

Pp goes to Loreta's dorm

PpdaStarDemon:Loreta what happened out there?

Loreta:I..I took away theyre Christmas Spirits...

PpdaStarDemon:For what? And how'd you do that?

Loreta:I just wanna have data..and Its just a little bit..

Loreta:Leave me alone!
Loreta Pushes Pp out of her room and Smacks in Close

PpdaStarDemon:Think about it...People with no Christmas

Loreta (in her room):I DONT CARE

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