Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I open my eyes to the same room I take the opportunity to look around my surroundings. The room is a bland colour of peach, there is a clock hanging above and that’s basically all there is in the room apart from the rows of beds.

I hear a small cry come from beside me; I look over and see Chloe’s back bleeding again. I climb out of my bed and go beside her all of the girls try to warn me against helping her but I ignore them and sit down beside her. I examine the damaged and raw skin, her back has literally spilt open and the skin is peeling off in layers. There are 10 large slashes on her back that will probably become permit scars when she’s healed.

I walk into the bathroom and soak a towel in cold water right now it’s the only thing I can do to help her. I place the towel on her back and she thanks me once again. I then notice something I didn’t before- another door beside the bathroom. I’m about to get up and investigate when I hear the door unlock.

Cruz and Frank step into the room.

“Good morning girls” Cruz says then pauses as if he’s waiting for us to say something “When I say good morning you will say good morning Cruz understand?”

We all nod our heads and Cruz smirks at us.

“Good, the door beside the bathroom is your wardrobe every morning there will be an outfit waiting for you and it will have your name on it”

We all look at him and stare that’s all I can do it’s like any minute I could be the next girl being whipped and risking the life of my baby. Suddenly I get a sickly feeling in my stomach and run to the bathroom ignoring Cruz’s calls for me to come back. I get into the bathroom and get the toilet seat up before I throw up. Once I’m finished I stand and wash my face and rinse my mouth out trying to get rid of the taste of bile.

“Good now that Dakota has finished her morning sickness....follow me girls” Cruz makes his way over to the door and pulls it open, he guides us inside and I gasp at what I see 2 massive wardrobes that have two floor length mirrors on them. Cruz opens the wardrobe and inside is every colour of shoes, dresses and handbags a girl could ever dream of.

“This is where you will go every morning first thing when you see Carver you’re expected to look your best no matter what the occasion even if it’s a punishment. You can use the shoes, handbags; jewellery and make up products but under no circumstances are you to touch the dresses in this wardrobe is that clear?”

We all nod our heads and a look of satisfaction crosses both of their faces.

“Good find your allocated outfit and get dressed you have five minutes to get dressed or you can spend the rest of the day as you are”

As soon as they leave we all scurry over to the pile of clothes sitting in the middle of the room. I finally find my outfit but instead of my name it says “Little one”. I pick it up and study it, it’s a simple black dress with a black belt nothing special and a pair of black pumps. What’s with all the black?

I look around to see Chloe struggling to find her outfit so I help her after I get my own on of course there’s no way I’m going out in my underwear which is also black.

I find her out fit and just like me instead of saying Chloe it says “Low” her outfit is the complete opposite of mine it’s a glittering gold dress that reaches to her knee’s and makes her look very beautiful especially with her raven locks.

“Thank you”

“No problem”

We both head out of the room not caring to put on any make up on. Once we get back into the main room Cruz shuts the door and inspects us all.

“No makeup Dakota?” I shake my head terrified to speak “Ok”

“As each of you probably noticed your actual name was not on the label, Carver has each given you nick names I want you to get used to hearing him say them... so you will each go round the room say your real name and then the name that Carver has given you”

Cruz points to the person next to him who happens to be Lilly.

“Lilly and my nick name is red”

“Olivia and my nick name is live”

“Sophia and my nick name is Sophie”

“Chloe and my nick name is low”

“Jessica and my nick name is Jess”

“Ruby and my nick name is green eyes”

“Eve and my nick name is butter cup”

“Amelia and my nick name is doll”

“Ava and my nick name is babe”

“Dakota and my nick name is...little one”

“Good get familiar with those names because Carver has chosen them for a reason”

The next few hours we spend talking trying to get to know each other under the watchful eyes of Cruz and Frank.

The door opens to reveal Carver everyone freezes and the room goes deadly silent.

“Hello ladies, Hello little one I know I said that I wouldn’t be stopping by but I just couldn’t stay away from my girls...was anyone naughty while I was away?”

“No Carve they were all really good....Dakota had her first morning sickness today”

“Well that’s a good sign...where are you little one? Are you hiding from me?”

His eyes find mine and he starts to walk towards me but steps about three feet away “Come here little one”

I do as he says and come to him.

“You look amazing in that is my favourite colour”

My breathing hitches as he puts his hand on my stomach and smirks.

“Our baby is kicking little one” he rubs soothing circles on it and laughs when he feels me go rigid from his touch.

“Lie down little one” when I don’t do as he says he sweeps me off the ground and places me underneath the covers of the bed.

“Bed rest for her, she is to sleep if she doesn’t bring her to me and she’ll sleep with me, are you going to be a good girl little one?”

I merely nod my head.

“In words, tell me in words little one”

“Yes I’ll go to sleep” I reply terrified there is no way I’m sleeping with him.

“Cruz watch that she doesn’t choke in her sleep if she is sick again get Warren”

“I hear you”

“Good, good bye ladies and little one sleep”

He leaves the room and just when I think I’m going to get off with not doing as he says Cruz comes and sits beside me.

“If you’re not asleep within 10 minutes you will go to Carver”

I sigh and roll away from him curling myself into a little ball. I close my eyes dreaming of my dad and how all of this is just some bad dream and when I wake up in the morning I’ll be laughing with my sisters and teasing my dad for calling me baby girl but I know that it won’t go away because this is my reality.

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