Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Dakota’s POV – Saturday

I open my eyes to find myself surrounded by a bunch of girls far older than myself.

A red haired girl steps forward and smiles at me, she holds a cup of water out to me and I gladly take it.

“I’m Lilly, what’s your name?”


“Well Dakota you are the last girl thankfully”

“Where are we?”

“We don’t know but the big goon said when you came we would be told everything”


“Let me introduce you to the group... Olivia, Sophia, Chloe, Jessica, Ruby, Eve, Amelia and Holly”

“Hey you forgot about me!”

“Oh and Ava”

“I would say it’s nice to meet you all if we were in better circumstances”

“Yeah, how old are you?” Ava asks


“You’re so young” Lilly smiles sadly at me

“How old are all of you?”

“The oldest is 30 and the youngest is 22 so that makes you the baby of the group”

“Well not really...I’m pregnant”

“Sweetheart we are all pregnant, all of us in this room I’m 5 months the farthest along is Holly 8 months” Lilly smiles and I feel comforted by it at least I have someone who will be my friend.

I go to say something but I’m cut off by a man entering the room tailed by two other guys. The first thing I notice is he’s really tall, he has light brown hair and dark brown eyes that hold only one thing- coldness.

“Hello ladies I’m sure you’re all wondering why you are here? Where are you? and who I am? Well I’m going to tell you”

His eyes scan around the room as if he’s looking for something or maybe someone. He meets my eyes and smirks a little and I can’t help but be disgusted by this guy. He leans up to one of the other men and whispers something, the guy nods his head and reaches for his pocket but the one who seems in charge stops him and whispers “Not yet”

“First things first Holly...where are you?” everyone stares at Holly and she steps forward I can tell she is scared. The man suddenly grabs her and forces her to her knees.

“I hate tears they’re so annoying” he turns to the guy and he hands him something I squint to see what it is and my heart jumps to my throat when I see that it’s a gun. The girls gasp and step back but I stay rooted to the spot.

He twirls the gun around in his hand.


“I also hate begging....but begging is sometimes a good thing not in this case” without another word he pulls the trigger, a blood curdling scream comes from Holly and she falls to the floor dead. I turn my head away keeping my hand over my mouth afraid that if I make a sound I’ll die next.

“Cruz, Frank get this thing out of my sight!” the two guys pull Holly’s dead body out of the room and everything goes deadly silent. The man puts his gun away to my relief.

“Now the numbers are even, my name is Carver I’m a gang leader and I’m responsible for every one of you being pregnant....I can see by the looks on some of your faces you know who I am...I’m the one who spiked your drink, I’m the one who took you in your own house, I’m the one who got you walking home from work. I took what I wanted from everyone of you in this room. Why are you here? It’s quite simple you’re here to play a game”

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