Full of Remorse

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Glancing over my shoulder, eying the two big, burly and extremely intimidating guys that were trailing just a mere few feet behind me, I scowled with annoyance before turning back to continue trudging down the sidewalk with Becca, who was easily keeping stride with my furious pace.

"Still mad huh?" she questioned bumping me with her shoulder as we walked through town, heading toward Betty's diner to get lunch since I haven't really got to spend any alone time with her since I arrive back home.

And with all the tension running at extremely high levels at the Covington household, I needed to get out and have some room to breathe. The twins were being even more overbearing and possessive, it that was even possible. And with those two sexy beyond words, God like men it somehow was.

"It's ridiculous is what it is... Zack isn't a threat; he won't hurt me." hissing out the words through clenched teeth. "I don't need bodyguards." Shooting another disapproving look at the two men behind us, as they ignored my hostile glares and continued to survey the area around us for any potential threats.

The boys had insisted that they have a couple of their best warriors 'keep an eye on me' if and when I left the house as a precaution. At which I venomously argued with them that it wasn't necessary, yet neither of them would even consider hearing me out on the subject.

So now here I am stomping through town like a stubborn child who was refused their favorite toy, projecting all my anger and resent from basically being bulldozed by the twins, on these two men tasked with mind numbingly boring job of guarding me.

Obviously I knew it wasn't their fault and they probably didn't want to be here following me around as much as I didn't want them too. But I couldn't control my rage, and I was irritated that neither of the boys would believe that Zack was harmless.

"They're not just here to protect you from Zack." She retorted defensively, as I snapped my head scoffing at her. "They're not... the Havencrest Pack has a lot of enemies that would love nothing more than to get their hands on the long lost mate of the Alpha Twins." She stated, defending the boy's decision to have me guarded at all times.

Pursing my lips, I raised my eyebrows with some understanding, yet still shaking my head. "I have you and I've taken some defense lessons with Uncle Mick." Defending my side of the argument, no matter how weak it was, even to me.

Because I already knew I stood no chance against a werewolf. Hell, I barely made it out of the backyard before the boys ran me down like prey as they're wolves, and they had no intentions of doing any kind of harm to me.

"They're trained warriors for the pack." She quipped grabbing my elbow and pulling me to a stop at the corner of the diner. "I, on the other hand only have basic training...and any defense lessons Mick showed you won't mean shit next to another wolf or vamp or even a hunter... and their humans." She snapped irritated at my continued upset with the boy's need to protect me.

"Alright... alright I'll... be more understanding." Letting out a heavy sigh, seeing that I wasn't going to win this argument despite who I had it with.

"I get that this is all... overwhelming Mia. But you'll make your life and mine, so much easier if you just let them be over protective of you." She replied still reasoning with me.

Nodding my head, seeing her point I continued around the corner only to stop suddenly causing her to bump right into me, making us both stumble forward.

Both of the guards shot forward, one gripping me by my shoulder righting my posture as the other stood defensively in front of me, looking for the threat that made me stop so suddenly.

"It's okay... I'm okay." Gulping against the lump in my throat as Becca looked at me with concern. "Did you just say vamp?" breathless at the very thought that a Dracula like being could be real. "As is Vampire?"

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