A Part of My Soul

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The flight didn't take as long as I anticipated, especially since I fell asleep on the plane as soon as we took off, in a completely relaxed state after I talked to Uncle Mick. I did however have another dream or possibly a memory of Dante and Dimitri:

I was hiding in my new room and finally decided to finish unpacking my boxes that got sent here. I had been here for nearly a month, my fifteenth birthday had come and gone and I had still put off unpacking everything. As if it was possible my Mom would show up claiming it was all a horrible nightmare and that she was there to take me back home.

But I knew that wasn't going to happen, she was never coming back. So reluctantly I took the last few boxes remaining and opened them to see what items remained inside. The very first item I pulled out of the first box was a picture of Mom and I sitting in our back-yard snuggling in our porch swing, mom was kissing my forehead as I smiled at the camera.

Suddenly all the pain, loss, devastation, and anguish that I had bottled up since I found out she was gone came flooding over me and I started to cry uncontrollably. Hugging her picture to my chest, rocking back and forth like she use to do when we snuggled together. That's when the damn broke and I started to cry, for all the things she was going to miss out on, all the things I was going to miss sharing with her, for the life we no longer got to have together.

I was so lost in my sorrow that I hadn't realized that Dante and Dimitri had both come into my room and were sitting on the floor next to me, both were rubbing and patting my back, trying to convey some sort of comfort.

Neither had said a word, they just simply sat there with me as I finally let out all my grief over the loss of my mom. Despite the tears streaming down my face and the aching pain in my heart, I gave them a small pitiful smile, happy and thankful that they were there to comfort me.

I bolted awake from my dream, sitting up right as soon as the plane made it's slightly bumping landing. Rubbing my hands over my face to rid myself of the remains of sleep, I quickly gathered my composure and departed the plane with the rest of the passengers, determined to be there for Dante and Dimitri. Like they had always been for me.

Once I got off the plane, I quickly made my way to the luggage pick-up to get my suitcases, then headed to the car rental section and picked out a simple Chevy Equinox to drive the remaining way back to the small town of Havencrest. Just like Uncle Mick promised it all came back to me. Everything that I thought I had forgotten came flooding back as I pulled out onto the highway and headed toward my old small hometown.

The drive to Havencrest only took around thirty minutes from the airport, before I knew it, I was driving back through the small town. A huge smile crept over my face as I glanced around and saw that much hadn't changed in the six years that I was gone.

The same old movie theater with the T still burned out was there, Betty's Diner was still standing it looked like they got it a little bit of an upgrade but the same never the less. What was new was a few small office buildings and a dance club with the name Obsession over the door. Ecstatic couldn't even begin to describe how thrilled I was to finally see this beautiful place with my own eyes again.

I started toward the opposite end of town, heading toward the lining forest where the Covington's huge home was hidden away. All though they were very popular and well respected in Havencrest, the family had built their home a few miles outside of town decades ago.

I drove the good five miles out before a driveway entrance appeared, that was also about a half a mile long itself. Glancing up I noticed that the oak trees that lined the long, huge driveway where a lot bigger and fuller with leaves then the last time I came down it, the sunshine barely broke through the few openings in the branches giving the driveway a beautiful, whimsical gold haze. Biting my lip nervously, I pulled around the circled driveway as I grew more and more nerve racked that I would be seeing the boys soon.

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