I've Done All I Can

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At about our 8th year of marriage, Kelly gained about 100 lbs making her about 485 lbs. I felt disgusted. Watching her eat was like a hog rolling itself in dirt. Disgusting. She was so big, that she couldn't fit through our bathroom door sideways or normal way. We needed to get the door replaced. I told her it was because the hinges and frame were broken so she wouldn't feel bad. Everyday she would complain about her weight. But still she kept eating and eating and eating and eating. She orders her clothes online. They have to be custom made which costs me a fortune. She doesn't fit in pants. She has too wear huge skirts which maker her look even bigger and the worst of all is that she still expects me to have sex with her. How am I supposed to have sex with a 485 lb beast? She would crush me. Physically. She doesn't work and eats all day. I am ashamed I have done all I can. All I hear when I come home is the sound of eating and farting. Every single day.

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