Chapter Five- WOW!!!

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So I've been writing for a little while and I can't tell if anyone is reading. And I also wanted to say that I'm getting  super excited about this story but I'm not getting any feedback on it. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! Tell me what you think before I quite writing. ( I'm just joking but I would love the feedback) well anyways on to the story.



Chapter Five


Daniel's P.O.V

I felt like my heart stopped. Her beauty caused me to pause in my tracks.

I couldn't help but stare. Then I heard some guys voice . Then I heard it again.

  "Hey you going to sit down or just stare at my sister for another day," I could hear the smirk on his voice.

Then I looked over and saw the guy sitting across from Christina.

I just looked back to Chris "can I talk to you" I said ignoring the guy's smart remark.

"Do we have to talk now, I'm sitting here with my brother whom I haven't seen for two years and getting to know his new beard."

I looked over at him, he rubbed it saying "yes, yes I shall name you Winston you will be the greatest beard there is to live"

Then he started to laugh as did Chris. I couldn't help but smile.

"Well I guess I can talk to you later, you still have my number right?" She nodded her head.

"Well I'll call you when I get home," she said looking back to her brother.

I had to think about how any of this would go. The guy stuck out his hand for me to shake as he said "Im Sean, as my rude sister forgot to introduce us."

Christina rolled her eyes as I said "I'm Daniel," while I shook his hand. 

I couldn't understand why I felt like this for a girl I just met.

I smiled over at her before walking back over to the counter to pick my food up and head.

Christina's P.O.V

Daniel flashed one of his award winning smiles as he headed toward the door.

I looked over at Sean who was grinning wildly.

"What," I asked suspiciously.

"You like him don't you," he asked sitting up more. I rolled my eyes and stuck my fork in my mouth. "So what if I do," I said looking down at the floor as I chewed.

I could feel a blush spreading form my hairline to my toes.

Sean threw his head back in a fit of laughter because of my embarrassment. I forgot how much of a jerk he could be. 


I sat on my bed ignoring Sean banging on my door trying to apologize.

I was giving him the silent treatment. He hated when I did that.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from the night stand. I scrolled down the Daniel's number.

Should I call him? What did he want to talk to me about? I wasn't going to call him. As soon as I was about to put the phone down it started ringing.

Daniel's number flashed across the screen.

I had to answer it. I got a feeling that if I didn't answer now he would keep calling me until I did answer.

I pushed the green button and whispered "hello." I can do this.

"Hey," hey said. My insides melted.

"What's up," I asked trying to sound calm but failing miserably.

"Uh, I wanted to ask you something," why did he sound so unsure of himself all of a sudden.

"What could that be," I asked curiously, sitting up more. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me Friday night?" He sounded so afraid, but why.

"Oh, uh sure," He took me by surprise for a second.

"Really," he asked perking up more. "Yeah, why wouldn't I," I asked.

I heard him shuffling around his room, was he dancing?

"Oh, I don't know. I just thought you would tell me no," he said happily. "Well I would love to," I said proudly.


Who is in Love with Daniel. Isn't he so sweet. I really don't know who she should chose. Actually I'm lying I know who she's going to choose. Or do I? hehehehehehehehe.  Honestly I really don't know who she going to choose, I'm just going with the flow.Well to the next chapter.

P.S. I sorry that my chapters are so short, but I am working on them. So please don't hate my guts because guts need love too.


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