Chapter Four-Finding Each Other

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          So I've finally got Internet access, so I'm trying to get as much editing done as I can. Don't hate me if it sucks. I'm sort of rushing to get it done because I have limited time. HEY, on a personal note, did you know that college is just like high school just quiet. weird, right? Well anyways on to the story.





Chapter Four

Finding Each Other 




                            Some how a managed to pull myself up to my room.

I lay in my bed and cry. I've forgotten about everything but him.

What he did to me. Making me love him, letting me fall for him and then letting me flail face first into the ground.

I don't know what time it is, all I know is I've been in my bed for hours crying.

Then I heard my door open then close. I didn't know or care who it was.

Then I heard his voice. My brother's voice. My brother who has enrolled in the army, who I haven't seen for two years. I felt the bed sink in.

Then he said "Chis, what's wrong." He touched my back. I just sprung up and threw my arms around his neck.

I could barely talk, choking on tears. "Never mind that, when did you get home" only three people knew just how I felt about Jordan and he was one of them.

He pulled me back and said "I had to come back and see my baby sister."

I looked over his face. He looks almost the same as when he left. Aside from the facial hair, scars, and tattoo. Wait, what? tattoo?

"What the hell is that," I asked him pointing to his arm.

He looked down at it. "What the tattoo?" he said running his fingers over it. "No the flying monkey next to you" I said being sarcastic.

He looked over as if it were really there. I smack his chest with the back of my hand "Don't be a smart ass," I said to him.

"You started it" he said. Then we just laughed and for a second that's all I thought about, my brother being home.

"Look, I'm going to my room and after I get settled were going out to lunch," he said to me smiling.

"Wait don't you want to go see your friends or something," I said looking back down at my hands, they were wet with tears.

"Not while my little sister is sitting here crying over God knows what," he took a short pause "Oh and I got you something," he said reaching behind himself.

"What can you get while your at war, I know you didn't bring me back a finger, oh oh wait is it that gun I wanted for Christmas that Mom and Dad wouldn't get me," I said smiling.

I missed this, this joking with my brother and I'm just so happy he's home and in one piece. 

Then he pulled something out from behind his back.

It was a huge rock but it didn't look like a rock, it was shiny, kind of glossy, with sparkly things in it.

"I found this walking in this field and it made me thought of you." I took it from his fingers and turned it between my hands.

"Its so pretty, and you stopped in the middle of fighting for your life to pick it up for me." I put my hand up to my heart and faked a cry.

"I feel so special," then I started laughing and he laughed with me. I missed his laugh, it sounded like something extremely old and refreshing.

He stood up and said "well, go get ready, I'm going to take a shower," and like that he was out the door.


I wrap the towel around my chest and rung out my wet hair.

I ran my hand over my foggy mirror and looked at my face.

I shrugged my shoulders and tousled my hair as I step out of the bathroom into my room.

I go over to my walk in closet and go all the way to the back.

I pulled down two sweaters and some jeans. I chose to wear the purple sweater and the black converses. I put my hair up in a high pony tail and tied a purple bow around it.

I went downstairs and poured myself a glass of water.

Then I heard Sean come down the steps. He said "you ready to go." I nodded and we were out the door and in his car. It smelled like dirt and men.

What the hell had he been doing since he got back.


"So he left you to go have sex with some girl in his car?" Sean asked me through a mouth full of pasta.

I nodded and said "yup, he's choosing that bitch over me and it was never like that, you know, I've known him since I was five and we've never turned our backs on each other but since he started going out with her, I guess he started to change because she's changing him. And one more thing close your mouth while you chew," I said moving my pasta around with my fork on my plate, as I grinned to myself.

Sean opened his mouth wider to show me the chewed up contents in his mouth. I let out a little giggle but I was starting to get upset and then I heard someone calling my name.

"Chrissy" I started looking around as I said "who is calling me?"

Then I saw his face. He was standing across the restaurant looking at me. Then I looked up at Sean who was now looking at me.

Then I thought to myself What the hell was Daniel doing here?


CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG what do you think Daniel is going t o do? sucks for you because I already know (even though I didn't really plan this story out). Please don't hate me. Well I still love you guys (Hope you love me too). ONWARD TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!


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