Chapter Three-Ready to go

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So, I'm very determined to finished editing the uploaded chapters by tonight. I'm working on turbo speed, so do me  a favor and VOMMENT (vote/comment). Well on to the story, chapter Three.



Chapter Three  

Ready to go

I come back from the snack bar and Jordan and Jen are nowhere to be found. Sydney said they went off to the parking lot.

I couldn't take it anymore, I was ready to go. Sydney didn't argue she just got up and walked me to her car. We got in and didn't bat an eye at Jordan's rusty old Pick up.

We didn't talk until she pulled up in my drive way behind my car. She turned to me and said "Chris? Are you ok?"

 I didn't know how to answer her, I just sat there in pure anger.

How could he invite me then end up in the back of his car with her?

I don't know why I even went. I felt so stupid for thinking I could make this work.

I finally said something "I'm fine really I am." I had to take a short breath before speaking again "really, just call me when you get home."

I told her as I got out of the car. "Love you," she said through her open window sounding a little worried. "Love you too," I said trying to sound more enthusiastic and failing.

I stopped at my front door and turned to watch Sydney drive away. As I watched her drive down the street I unlocked my door and stepped inside.

Once inside I broke down. I dropped my keys, fell to the floor and burst into tears. I couldn't help but think If I didn't go I wouldn't feel like this. How could I be such an idiot to think that I could possibly stay sane around him, when he was with her?

Jordan's P.O.V

By this time Jen was getting on my nerves and when I really want to be is with Chrissy.

I had to break it off with her. I had to do it now.

She was sitting there talking about something that I wasn't listening to.

I touched her knee and said "can you come to my car with me." She had this grin on her face and the mischief in her eyes, and I knew what she was thinking.

For some reason every time I ask her to come somewhere alone with me she automatically thinks sex.

One time we had sex behind a taco bell because I told her I needed to talk to her alone. We walk toward the parking lot and I won't let her take my hand into hers.

If I did I would no longer be able to do what I needed to do.

I need to do this fast before I lost this courage that out of no where I now posses.

She sat down in the passengers seat and started reaching over towards me.

I pushed her away lightly, then she said "What, what's wrong?" she sounded a little worried.

"We have to break up," I said not looking at her. I couldn't look into her eyes because I don't want to see the hurt in them.

"Why?" she asked her voice shaky.

"I just can't do it anymore, this relationship thing" I told her not wanting to tell her the full truth because I knew If I did it would crush her

. "OK" I heard her whisper and tears choking her.

I heard the car door open then slam. I lay my head in the wheel.

Christina's P.O.V.

This was killing me. I had to do something. But what could I do? He was with her, he didn't want me.

I ran my hand across my face bringing tears and sweat to the other side of my face.

I need a shower. I didn't have the will power to get up and take one.

I just sat there and sobbed.


So what do you think? Should Christina get with Daniel or Jordan. DON'T FORGET TO VOMMET. If you do there's still time, hurry before the word ends. This chapter was more of a filler.  Well anyways, till next time.



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